Example sentences of "in by the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The question in the second stage , which was ushered in by the work of Baur , was raised by the manifest differences in style and content between the synoptic gospels and the gospel of John .
2 Agricultural details were a nice reciprocal touch : the Hind helicopters , with which the Sandinistas were destroying the contras , had allegedly been shipped in by the Russians in crates labelled agricultural produce .
3 Across at 20/562 is the Buquoy Palace , once lived in by the widow of Count Karel Buquoy , a general of the Imperial troops at the Battle of the White Mountain in 1620 .
4 Quite often ( but not always ) such cases are called in by the Secretary of State even where the planning authority is minded to grant consent , in order to allow interested groups a chance to air their views ; so it can all take a long time .
5 This power can be exercised only in cases where the application is not called in by the secretary of state himself .
6 Unlike the fully suspended sentence which had become popular , in some ways too popular with the initial enthusiasm of the courts having to be reined in by the Court of Appeal , the partly suspended sentence never caught on .
7 Because he took over his new duties in the close season Love has not had too many opportunities to meet many of the players , but the squad have had two nets at Moray House College , Edinburgh , the last two Fridays and Love has been impressed by the effort put in by the players at these sessions .
8 Though the thermal establishment itself is quite stately , in the normal style of these amenities , the village is tightly shut in by the mountains on either side and is not much more than a ribbon of dark houses strung out along the main road .
9 Bidding for BTG took place in secret and final bids had to be in by the middle of February .
10 Adrift and in debt , Rolfe was taken in by the Duchess of Sforza-Cesarini , who conferred on him the title of Baron Corvo before he returned to England later in the year .
11 I do n't like him , but he 's a cynical bastard and wo n't be taken in by the likes of Buckmaster . ’
12 On 16th December 1991 , the building societies and bank bosses were called in by the Government for an emergency briefing and were told to come back in two days with solutions .
13 Thus Sir Thomas Clarges argued in the House of Commons in December 1689 that William " came in by the Church of England , their pens , sermons , and sufferings " .
14 Dana felt so sick , he went straight back to bed , but had been there only a few seconds before he leapt out with a scream of agony : an autumnal , sleepy wasp had been brought in by the chambermaid among the bedclothes which had been airing at the window and had stung my friend on the bottom !
15 Cuervo is the Spanish for crow , which is the Celtic bird sent in by the Gods on the eve of battle .
16 Somewhat surprising is the fact that the longest hours are not put in by the women with the largest number of children .
17 Taken in by the image of yourself they present you with , wrote Harsnet , instead of waiting in patience for the beginning , instead of waiting and then beginning , though beginning , having begun , he wrote , is not everything , is far from everything .
18 The entire loft is a matted tangle of sticks and twigs brought in by the jackdaws over God knows how many centuries ; in parts it is many metres deep .
19 Her mother , Avril , felt trapped , tired and depressed , hemmed in by the demands of a fretful strong-willed toddler , ten-year-old John , who was beginning to refuse to go to school , and her ‘ selfish ’ husband , James .
20 The drawing was identified as a Rembrandt by Christie 's Old Master drawings expert , Hugo Chapman , when it was brought in by the owner for valuation .
21 Paula , 35 , did n't allow herself to be hemmed in by the dearth of mini-skirts on offer at the show in the Victoria and Albert museum .
22 Opposite was the site of the Royal Palace lived in by the kings of Bohemia from the Hussite Wars in 1419 , until King Vladislav reasserting the rights of kingship in 1484 , returned to the castle .
23 I was pretty well broke by then , but thanks to the good offices of Msgr John Esseff , they were taken in by the Sisters of Charity , the Most Reverend Mother Teresa 's order , who hid them out in a convent in Spain .
24 The City expects the Chancellor to alter but not altogether abandon the rule , effectively reducing the amount of gilt-edged stock bought in by the Bank of England .
25 The result is a forecast of much more rapid and pronounced warming of the globe than has previously been thought likely , setting in by the end of the present decade .
26 The Swiss Post and Telecommunications authority is going to face competition in paging services : the Federal Communications Office has said that two rival paging networks will be set up — the PTT will get one licence , the other will be put out to tender ; licence applications must be in by the end of April .
27 If , instead of ‘ piecework ’ , the men contracted to get the harvest in by the end of a month , it meant that should they finish before that time they could then go to other jobs on the farm , drawing their usual wage whilst doing so .
28 She should be able to move in by the end of next week , and I 'll never be so happy as when I wave her goodbye at the front door .
29 As you can see the erm , where is it , we 've got to have , or the airlines have got to have their submissions in by the end of this month so if we have got anything really that we want to say from sales we ought to be letting have it in in a formal thing .
30 want to be in by the end of March
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