Example sentences of "in [prep] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Moments later there was an almighty crash and a head flew in through the door of the hangar and bounced across the floor .
2 Ven offered as they walked in through the door of his suite .
3 Spittals ' hands glowed from the diligent rubbing he was applying to them as she came in through the door at ten o'clock .
4 Just coming in through the door at that very minute was Detective-Constable Edwards .
5 Now these houses were of the kind that when you walk in through the door at the front you go into a l sitting room , through the next door is what can be a kitchen cum living room , and the staircase is n't immediately obvious but what it is is it 's a door that looks like a cupboard .
6 There were no windows and only a trickle of light came in through the door behind him .
7 It was a great relief to him when she stumbled in through the door in a flurry of snow and he set to and made a cup of tea to warm her .
8 Bias may creep in through the wording of questions ( which may be ambiguous , unintelligible or suggestive of a particular answer ) , through the careless recording of answers , through the interviewer 's ( perhaps unwitting ) influence over response-patterns and through a general failure of the interviewer to establish the kind of rapport with the respondent that enables him or her to give truthful answers on personal matters .
9 Dogs can easily leap over it or get in through the hedge on the south side .
10 Goods brought in through the Port of London were widely distributed by way of the River Thames and the Grand Union Canal which linked to the Midlands .
11 Primed with the good advice , but uncertain how far he could follow it , Greg went in through the hall of the cottage , artificially created by modern alterations , and knocked at the far door on the right .
12 He flew to a dead branch , paused for a moment , and then darted in through the hole of the nest box .
13 As you inhale , imagine you are drawing energy from this source of light , in through the top of your head and out through your hands and feet as you exhale .
14 The sample from Tornewton came from the cave of that name ( Sutcliffe & Zeuner , 1962 ) , and the owl was roosting in an overhead tree and dropping its pellets in through the top of the cave ( see p. 96 ) .
15 Just then Uncle Alfred and Sylvia Swan arrived and peeped in through the gate at the happy crowd .
16 In one case the Divisional Court held that assault was committed where a woman was frightened by the sight of a man looking in through the window of her house , although there seems to have been little suggestion that the man was threatening to apply force either immediately or at all .
17 The light poured in through the window of our room .
18 Lee remembered when a sparrow had flown in through the window of her bedroom when she was a child .
19 Tick crept in through the window of the dining-room and surprised Lady Laetitia Winthrop playing at her virginals ( a likely story ) .
20 He 'll end up running after her along the platform , bundling books and plaice and Government papers in through the window of the carriage at her as the train moves out …
21 I did go out with one of me mates once and he was going burgling and I needed to do one 'cos I had no money or nothing , strung out , and he went to the Old Hall Estate and broke into a house and I got in through the window with him and I just looked around and saw all these photographs of , y'know like , the family that lived there with the kids and that and I just got this horrible feeling , so I just got out the window and walked away , even though I was strung out and I did n't pick nothing up , I just left him to it ‘ cos , like , though all the burglaries I 'd done , they 'd all been shops .
22 After leaving the station , we 'd just walk around for ten or fifteen minutes , doubling back on our tracks , heading in through the lobby of a big hotel and straight out again through the rear entrance , until finally we 'd come to some itty-bitty hotel in a back street with a desk in the hallway , and we 'd do the elevator routine .
23 Dot took a chance peek in through the crack between where the two doors met .
24 A taxi had dropped him and his luggage at the main railway station , he had walked in through the entrance with a porter in attendance ; and that was that .
25 That evening is I crouched at the back of the slit trench , swatting the mauses and listening to the sound of shells passing over and the rain dripping steadily in through the entrance to the trench , I stared at the pool of water getting larger and hoped that the rain would soon stop , if it does n't I 'm in for an uncomfortable night .
26 Across the highway , the driver of the second rig swung his wheel hard over and accelerated in through the gap in the wake of the three fire tenders .
27 He was thin , and there appeared to be dark patches growing in through the grey of his beard .
28 As Major Pond discovered , seat-holders were let in through side doors while hoi polloi had to come in through the front in the hope of getting what they could .
29 I 'd just like to elude to the er positive string on exchange , we take our profits in during the year at an average rate , but the cash benefit obviously er year on year is , is better than that er to the extent that the erm dollar has strengthened throughout the year or by the year end against the pound and we get the full benefit of that in our cash flow .
30 It occurs as that in Judges 9.9 and 13 , and here it might indicate nothing more than the all-embracing nature of the struggles which Jacob has engaged in during the course of his life .
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