Example sentences of "in [prep] the last [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , with Colin Dick still on his way home from Australia , Bell fills in as the last man in defence with Alan Simpson and Michael Rainey in the centre .
2 I think I 'm gon na try and persuade my Mum to let me bring my camera in for the last day of term , I 'm gon na get a bottle of from the shop that 's on .
3 Only in about the last quarter of the century did colour printing , in the form of chromolithographs , become at all usual ; and for expensive books , hand-colouring remained the norm well into the twentieth century .
4 What we do need is the co-operation of the residents , and I must say that we are beginning to get the co-operation now and in fact many people did phone in after the last incident when the officers were assaulted , first of all asking for the condition of the officers and showing concern , and secondly giving us information .
5 Tamar had allowed Victoria to stay up late to watch the leading in of the last load , which was a ritual joined in by all the estate workers .
6 A child was brought in in the last stages of diphtheria .
7 He became aware of the disapproving looks his noisy party were receiving from some of the older locals who had drifted in over the last hour .
8 People were coming out from Palm Sunday Mass at the church of Ognissanti , pausing to chat to families going in to the last service and then passing under his window carrying sprays of olive leaves .
9 She had moved across the courtyard , flagstone by flagstone , to cheat the shadow ; now she was boxed in to the last corner of light .
10 And Steve obediently went off , taking with him a jar of Marmite in a garden trowel as a substitute for coal in a shovel , and he stood out there on the front porch in the cold listening to the silence and looking at the stars , waiting for them to let him in on the last stroke of Big Ben on the radio : a faint , feeble echo of some once meaningful ritual , though what it had meant or now could mean nobody there knew or had ever known .
11 He was sitting alone , off to one side , watching a historical simularity , shipped in on the last supply drone , that vas playing in the centre of the room .
12 Further that we shall petition government tor an abolition and nullifying of the foresaid Act from the records of British parliament ; that the members of parliament for this county shall present this petition , or any annexed thereto , to the two Houses of Parliament , and to the Privy Council , during the prorogation of parliament — ‘ Menzies was seething and he broke in on the last words .
13 One , two , three , four five six , seven , eight no one , two three , four there 's nine so we 'll probably have to take some stools in , but I wo n't take them in till the last minute .
14 Well as you know er to be a basic rate taxpayer , you 're paying twenty five pence in the pound , apart from the er the new rate you know the first two thousand five hundred you get at twenty percent , which came in at the last budget .
15 BA is keeping its distance from attempts by Stephen Wolf and Jay Pritzker to revive the bidding consortium , but there are still hopes in the US that it could be persuaded to step in at the last minute to add weight to a new bid .
16 She explained : ‘ I was called in at the last minute to help style a photographic session for Kylie about 18 months ago and it went from there .
17 Every September we have the small ad hoc Cabinet committee known as the ‘ Star Chamber ’ [ MISC 62 ] in which Lord Whitelaw sits down and tries to bang heads together , and then the Prime Minister comes in at the last minute and bangs heads together even more .
18 Yes , it 's disappointing , but when someone comes in at the last minute then the adrenalin flows and you can have a very lively show .
19 ‘ If you 'll wash the lettuce I 'll make my special dressing and we could pick some wild sorrel and chop it in at the last minute . ’
20 ‘ I used dried ones and I 'm going to put some frozen ones in at the last minute . ’
21 Speakers were David Snow of BP Bitor ( the company which imports and markets the fuel from Venezuela ) , Peter Taylor from the Oil Pollution Research Unit at Fort Popton , Dr Clive Morgan , also from Fort Popton but who was drafted in at the last minute to play the part of National Power Plc , and finally Gordon James of Narberth Friends of the Earth .
22 He would probably slip in at the last minute , just as a matter of duty .
23 I think one of the ideas behind the the party chipping in on this is because it would be extremely convenient for people who are popping in at the last minute for
24 Programme assistant Ian Edgar stood in at the last minute .
25 The basic recipe is a reduction of white wine and brown fond de veau lié with a julienne of gherkins and mustard stirred in at the last moment .
26 They were all sitting there staring at me and Monsieur de Levantiére said , ‘ This is Constance , who has kindly stepped in at the last moment . ’
27 Not by someone else stepping in at the last moment .
28 They could perhaps find a replacement make-up artist , though that would prove difficult at such short notice , but someone coming in at the last moment would find it hard to cope with the unusual styles , and the actors would be having problems enough dealing with first-night nerves without having to face any added strain .
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