Example sentences of "as [adv] [subord] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And she knew … she just knew he 'd wanted her , as badly as she 'd wanted him .
2 She was desparetely unlucky to fall as badly as she did .
3 He ran his hand the length of her spine , making her aware that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him , and for a wild moment she could see no reason why they should n't make love .
4 Walking as slowly as she dared , Penelope was able to see that there were two figures in the room-Rupert himself and a woman , not very tall and wearing a dark , tweedy-looking suit .
5 Somehow his mother could shut out the unpleasant from her mind as if it had never existed and she had shut out the Worm as successfully as she had shut out everything else .
6 She stood back and watched him approach the three headstones , saw him touch them as gently as she had known he would .
7 For as long as she lived , she had been provided for .
8 He would always have a special place in her heart for as long as she lived ; but Rune did n't need her and Suzie did .
9 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
10 Since she was capable of loving so deeply , she can still , if she chooses , remain in the business of giving and receiving love for as long as she lives , for although she may feel that she is no longer everything to anyone , she can still mean a great deal to a number of people .
11 And I want her to know that she is welcome in my house for as long as she wishes . ’
12 There was no point in her dropping out and wrecking the film and , in any case , for as long as she worked the film company would pick up Maisie 's crippling Canadian hospital bills .
13 Harry Richardson appalled Anna by offering to lend her Flora 's school fees , interest-free , for as long as she needed them .
14 Luckily Tim Dunton had been very understanding , telling her not to worry and to take as long as she needed to sort matters out .
15 Lizzie Stroud for whom Miss Lockwood made provision in the form of an annuity , is to continue to live on the top floor for as long as she chooses .
16 Eve had been there for as long as she remembered to help her fight her battles .
17 She had spoken more warmly to him tonight than she had ever done when she was unmarried and free to speak as warmly as she liked .
18 Then , one morning , just as suddenly as she had taken leave of absence , she was back .
19 That , she thought , was as good an idea as any , and on silent feet she went as swiftly as she had come back to her kitchen .
20 Elinor was sometimes at a loss for the right word , or name , and then became impatient with herself ; she was often frustrated because she could n't move as swiftly as she did before .
21 Having her father with them on holiday was going to turn out as disastrously as she had expected .
22 Mrs Naulls awoke as easily as she slept .
23 She poured their tea and sat with a cup of her own by the fire , chatting away as easily as she did every morning .
24 He was able to answer her as calmly as she had spoken .
25 Amy would accept his leaving as calmly as she had accepted his arrival .
26 Adele had looked up at him , not quickly but as quickly as she 'd been able .
27 as quickly as she had entered .
28 She seemed to vanish as quickly as she had appeared , leaving Ianthe to be pushed forward into the train , where she stood in a daze until she found herself sitting down in a seat offered to her by a small boy .
29 As she sat over a pot of tea in a quiet café she reminded herself that it was really expecting too much to find a flat as quickly as she had landed a job .
30 ‘ If this is what comes of quoting silly old proverbs , ’ Laura grinned over at her husband , who had n't recovered from the birth nearly as quickly as she had , ‘ I think that we 'd better be very careful what we say in the future ! ’
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