Example sentences of "as [adv] as [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 Now although such a rule is not part of my physical or material world , its existence constrains my action just as effectively as they do ; we can call this a constraint of the world of ideas .
2 I feel today the excitement of that encounter almost as keenly as I did when it took place over fifty years ago .
3 The hall and the gallery and the enormous stained glass windows which faced the door as you came in , and the three reception rooms were ours , and as I suffer from terrible claustrophobia , I thought it was a wonderful place to live although David , who I am sure does n't suffer from claustrophobia as badly as I do , being British and like most British people , would be content to live in smaller environments .
4 God , do you think I 'd come near you , talk to you about it , touch you , if I did n't know for a certainty that you want me as badly as I do you ? ’
5 " I stopped reading my mail but Sarah ( his wife ) did n't , " Strange said after issuing an apology which said : " I want to express my sincere apologies … no excuse can justify my outburst , and nobody feels as badly as I do . "
6 She was desparetely unlucky to fall as badly as she did .
7 ‘ Obviously not as badly as you did . ’
8 I feel as badly as you do , but we do n't have time for this .
9 The father was on for the whole of the second act of The Hooded Owl , and never had that part of the play passed as slowly as it did that evening .
10 But the process does n't work ( that is , accord with our intuitions ) anything like as powerfully as it does in music .
11 He had pulled a hamstring during his warm-up and had done well to patrol as relentlessly as he did for an hour .
12 My right hon. Friend can not write off the WEU as simply and as simplistically as he did .
13 With their bizarre appearance and seemingly mysterious but treacherous way of life , the dodders have certainly latched on to human imagination as successfully as they do to the innumerable species of plants they parasitise , spawning fables , myths and fascinating names such as love vine , immortal vine , vine in the sky , beggar vine , strangleweed , devil 's gut , scald and so on .
14 Perhaps this is why it sleeps twice as long as we do , making up in length of slumber what it lacks in depth .
15 The real wonder is not that some who profess to believe fall away after continuing so long but that some last as long as they do with as little as they have .
16 Snooker frames with Julian last about twice as long as they do with anybody else .
17 It is perhaps surprising , with Healings ' huge mill in nearby Tewkesbury , that a few mills such as Northway and particularly Aston , managed to function for as long as they did .
18 The silence may not last — but for as long as it does , the government has a chance to strengthen France 's macroeconomic foundations .
19 It takes as long as it does for a dog to douse a tree trunk .
20 They refrained from responding to a long series of statements by senior Chinese officials which contradicted both the letter and the spirit of the Joint Declaration - including an assurance , for example , that the post-1997 Hong Kong press would be free for ‘ as long as it did not publish anything detrimental to China 's national interest ’ .
21 It was in any case something of a miracle — and a tribute to the tenacity of the Lebanese — that their Covenant worked for as long as it did .
22 While few serious historians have defended Communist excesses , some have argued that it was only the strategy in whose name they were committed that enabled the Republic to fight on for as long as it did .
23 ‘ It sounds lousy , but the great advantage to Celeste — and the reason why our relationship survived for as long as it did — was that she never had much of an impact on either my feelings or my thoughts .
24 It ended : ‘ Nonetheless , I consider myself to have been blessed to have had the chance to so serve for as long as I did . ’
25 I do n't know why I kept them for as long as I did .
26 It is unlikely that he would have gone to a children 's home in the first place and stayed for as long as he did before fostering was tried .
27 I 'm surprised he stuck to you for as long as he did . ’
28 He cared as much as I do .
29 ‘ But somebody who cares as much as you do , you 'd want to know . ’
30 But that time must yet remain a few days ahead , while everywhere lay in the throes of a natural disaster — the nature of which had yet to be determined — and while the snow still fell as thickly as it did .
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