Example sentences of "again [prep] [art] [noun pl] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The House will expect me to apologise again for the remarks that I injudiciously made when I was trying to illustrate a simple point — that , with the private sector providing more rail services in future , I hope that a range of choice will be available to the travelling public in terms of price and time of day , rather like that provided by the airlines and the long-distance coach market .
2 Charlotte passed a glum and largely sleepless Sunday night , unable to restrain her mind from rummaging again and again through the clues that always led , however often they were re-examined , to the most hopeless of conclusions .
3 The Standard commentary column enthused again about the benefits that would accrue to the town ; ‘ people of means and leisure will take up residence in the district ; it has long been said that Henley needed further attractions and the present move is assuredly one in the right direction ’ .
4 And , and again with the bills that is another option with the bills .
5 We have n't got enough Nice to get some work started on the eighth floor because of the different activities But then again with the activities that are carrying on on the seventh floor we ca n't By the time we get round to the ninth pretty desperate .
6 ‘ Aye , again on the grounds that a legitimate nephew of King Henry came before an illegitimate son .
7 Listen again to the hits that made the headlines — 112 memory-packed tracks in one electrifying Collection !
8 And yet the impact on us is considerable , and I 'm seriously wondering whether the major spending committees ought not to look again at the budgets that they 're erm , and I 've discussed this with , and obviously education is the big problem , but er , I 'm not convinced that erm , the sums of money which we 're being asked to pay out , not be taken from the education budget without too dra drastic an effect on the school .
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