Example sentences of "got no [noun] for the " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Only I 've got no money for the fare . ’
2 ‘ Some people 'ave got no respect for the dead . ’
3 But of course the problems are with this contract that it would n't suit everybody , one because you 've got no access for the ten years , you 've bought the contract up front , and if you want access to it , it 's very limited and of course if you cash an endowment early as we know it 'd damage the , the er the income sorry the , the growth at the end of the plan .
4 On top of that you 've got no alibi for the time of the murders . ’
5 ‘ Bonaparte 's got no stomach for the fight : knows we 're too strong for him , and has cleared off under cover of the mist . ’
6 it it it it it 's it 's it 's also got a erm er It 's got no mouse for the computer .
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