Example sentences of "might have [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Had the batsman not ducked , the ball might have struck him in the solar plexus .
2 And how easily I might have missed you by not saying anything , but no , you have too much good sense , you would not have stood by and said nothing , would you ?
3 With a shoe clutched in each hand he was unable to make a grab for the rougher stones that might have saved him from disaster .
4 He might have saved her from Jem , but did that give him the right to such a ruthless inquisition ?
5 ‘ It might have saved lots of time if they did , but there you are .
6 In the instant before Laura replaced the bung I understood how that ancient Japanese potter might have flung himself into those dazzling fountains .
7 Some of us have to learn to forgive our parents for not being the people we might have wanted them to be .
8 Oh well you may find you might have to renegotiate something in the summer term then I suppose , but you 'll just have to see it how it works out .
9 ‘ You might have heard me on the radio , ’ she said .
10 You might have felt nothing at all .
11 I might have felt it as a duty .
12 At home I might have fed it to the fish , but here I felt sorry for it and watched until it was time to move on .
13 But I might have to cancel it on what , what Deborah 's said .
14 And if he had felt them , might have done something about them .
15 But he 'd sat there listening , with that sneering smile of his , drinking Ban 's claret as if he was doing the Braithwaites a great favour , while Ben , who 'd had his share of claret too , lamented the fall of the Whig government , which might have done something for the manufacturing classes , and the election of the land-owning Tories , that bunch of country squires like the Larks , who would not .
16 I think she might have done it without regret . ’
17 ‘ I think she might have done it as a quick way of finding out how the business worked .
18 She might have done it in private — she is fun and without question , a little flirtatious — — but Diana had understood from the start that her public image had to be beyond reproach , and it always had been .
19 If , for example , old man Jordan had come into the kitchen at that moment , Wycliffe might have seen him in the mirror ; but what of it ?
20 After all , she might have seen it on the ceptors and come out to help .
21 His boyish , open face with its look of disciplined idealism was vaguely familiar to Massingham , who suspected that he might have seen it in a police recruitment pamphlet , but decided in the interest of harmonious co-operation to give Underhill the benefit of the doubt .
22 And the vigorous , life-enhancing breakers that plunged inland , that might have deposited her on soft , rich , regenerative soil , were involved in a never-consummated effort , frustrated by the moon .
23 And I suppose we might have lost her in the long run , but not just yet . ’
24 And you might have to put it on manual .
25 She might have written something to me , he thought .
26 The fall of the dollar would still mean that every Jaguar car sold in the US was less profitable , although the company might have made lots of money on its foreign exchange transactions .
27 Oh it was a nice ball that by , shoots and scores , Notts get a second just moments after they might have conceded one at the other end , the referee unimpressed by the penalty claims but the crowd are there , with a really fine piece of finishing by Gary , nine minutes to half time and adds to the one that got in twenty four , and it 's two nil to Notts County against .
28 In the middle of many clashes and difficulties were the men whom I had met , and to whom , if I had been a true friend , I might have given something of the faith and spirit which could have helped them find a better way for their people .
29 He seemed obtuse , as she felt by this time that she had more than cancelled out any slight encouragement she might have given him at first .
30 Now apparently what happened is I went up to him and said look I might have to do something with it .
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