Example sentences of "might be [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 To take another example : Radioactivity in the surface and coastal waters of the British Isles , 1977 might be converted to an alphabetical description such as : Water pollutants Radioactive materials — Great Britain or into a classification notation such as 628.16850941 .
2 Equally , seasonal workers might be engaged on a casual basis , on fixed-term or performance contracts , or even on open-ended contracts .
3 Oman 's economy benefited from oil price rises following the invasion and some reports estimated that a projected budget deficit for 1990 might be turned into a surplus .
4 From any clutch it 's possible that one or two would n't hatch , and if food was short a little chick might be killed by an elder sibling ( or by its mother so that the stronger chick would survive ) .
5 The discussion that follows is necessarily selective , highlighting some key issues , but inevitably neglecting others , for example around the vexed question of cultural relativism and the problems surrounding the marginalization of ‘ race ’ policies at the institutional level , which might be treated in a text of quite different length and scope .
6 That too might be characterised as a courageous move — but nothing like as courageous as that of James Burke and his cohorts in deciding that the right man to dig IBM out of its hole was outsider Louis V Gerstner Jr .
7 He glances down at the table , as if the answer might be written on a beer mat .
8 The same relation between pure and applied social psychology can be continued in a social psychology , which might be built around a universal conception of social representation , with or without a rhetorical emphasis .
9 Odd as this may sound , the idea that an association might be formed between a CS and the absence of some event is not without precedent in associative theorizing .
10 Thus , to take a very simple illustration , X Ltd might be formed with a nominal capital of £10,000 , divided into 10,000 £1 ordinary shares .
11 He also suggested that a government might be formed from a coalition of post-Solidarity parties which would choose their own leadership .
12 An ‘ idea-meme ’ might be defined as an entity that is capable of being transmitted from one brain to another .
13 These priorities , for example , might be expressed through a request to teach a different age group or to be given time to take a specific course .
14 This harmony might be expressed as an offering which accompanies a vow of some kind ( Leviticus 22:21 ) , or as a thank-offering ( Leviticus 22:29 ) or free-will offering ( Leviticus 22:21 ) .
15 The isolation of Oct-11 cDNAs from a thymus library suggested that Oct-11 might be expressed in a lymphoid cell type .
16 Most verbs which are used of situations where the object — talking strictly of the intensional level and not of the world referred to — does not change its properties ( between the narrow focus on the object phrase alone , and the wider view when it is construed with the verb and the adjective as in ( 22 ) ) will not be suitable ; if a property that might be expressed by an adjective could be present in the wider structural context , then its applicability will not normally be connected with the link between the verb and the noun phrase .
17 The shorter prologue of Lex Salica states that With God 's help it pleased the Franks and their nobility and they agreed that they ought to prohibit all escalations of quarrels for the preservation of enthusiasm for peace among themselves ; and because they excelled other neighbouring peoples by force of arms , so they should excel them in legal authority , with the result that criminal cases might be concluded in a manner appropriate to the type of complaint .
18 I was afraid I might be shot by a startled sentry .
19 In that context it had long been accepted that the settlement of individual claims might be incorporated into an overall package .
20 The winner of the big greyhound race this weekend might be decided by a photograph … its the semi-final of the greyhound derby … two local dogs are running …
21 A Hollywood studio decided it was not safe to make a picture about the peacemaker , Hiawatha , because ‘ It might be regarded as a message for peace and therefore helpful to Communist designs ’ .
22 Should a man 's life succeed in influencing and converting others then that might be regarded as a true and valid form of evangelism .
23 Killing then might be regarded as a moral duty in certain circumstances in spite of the instinctive horror we might feel about the destruction of living beings .
24 It was his passionate conviction that sarvodaya , which might be regarded as a practical expression of Truth , could only be effected by means of ahi sā , and the votary of ahi sā would be prepared to sacrifice himself in order to realize this ideal .
25 But , according to Haksar , what has also to be taken into consideration is the risk of violence that might result from not allowing people to express their feeling and here civil disobedience might be regarded as a safety valve .
26 ‘ He 's gone through what might be regarded as a quiet spell this season , ’ said Clough .
27 Outside Ulster , the proposed force might be regarded as a return of the B Specials .
28 Presumably men of modest means would scarcely have qualified , but only 502 were worth £20 and upwards , and 406 had £40 or more , a figure that might be regarded as a reasonable minimum for a substantial businessman .
29 His defects were that he lacked subtlety , was vehemently anti-communist to the point where any unrest or dissent might be regarded as a sign of communist activity , and that he lacked preparation for the tasks he faced .
30 That fact standing alone might be regarded as a not unjust consequence of the Home Secretary 's policy .
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