Example sentences of "might [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 particular attention should be paid , by task-setters , teachers and moderators alike , to the danger that oral assessment might be influenced by cultural or social bias .
2 There 's concern that the authorities in the East might be exploited by foreign investors racing to acquire parts of the increasingly valuable empty sites .
3 From the safety of space , it would prove an interesting experiment , one that might be duplicated on other worlds , far away , should it succeed .
4 Mr Summerchild , however , was evidently feeling his way towards a quite different sense — the idea of some kind of grading system for our experience , of some variable level of satisfactoriness to which life might attain , and which , as he implied , might be enhanced by various practical means .
5 The figure that my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State for Employment gave included those who might be affected in other ways by premature closure .
6 This controls the proximity of any adjacent parts which might be affected by excess heat .
7 This did not immediately lead to what might be defined as specific growth policies .
8 At the same time , the parents were asked about family smoking habits and any other way in which the baby might be exposed to passive smoking .
9 The problem might be covered by environmental grants .
10 By 1934 there were about 2,500,000 families , or 21.3 per cent of the total , who might be regarded as middle class , based upon the criterion of £4 to £10 per week .
11 The same technique can be used to identify those descriptions which were never matched by comments in the potential risks condition , these might be regarded as peripheral details in the stimuli in the sense that they do not appear to be related to risks .
12 A cursory glance at some laws that might be regarded as typical components of scientific theories indicates that they satisfy the falsifiability criterion .
13 This might be regarded as prudent common sense .
14 The following might be regarded as excessive restrictions : ( 1 ) an attempt to prevent a qualified solicitor from setting up a specialist practice in a field in which his former firm has never before undertaken work and has no plans to start accepting instructions ; ( 2 ) an attempt to prevent an outgoing partner from accepting instructions from any person or firm ( whether or not a client or former client of his former firm ) within a prescribed area ; ( 3 ) a general area restraint where the outgoing partner 's former firm has its offices in a location where competition is already intense .
15 Rated least important in Yorke 's survey were what might be regarded as literary qualities , concerned with acquiring literary and critical values and gaining knowledge about books and authors .
16 If positions and viewpoints are too easily set aside they might be regarded by other people as not having , even in the first place , amounted to much .
17 So , in seeing the transvestite boy , the male member of the audience might be moved to lascivious thoughts about women , which then transfer to the boy himself .
18 Although yields might be increased in certain high-latitude regions , notably Canada and Russia , this would be more than offset by decreases in the tropics .
19 Very often the appeal to the appellate tribunal can cover matters that might be raised on judicial review .
20 This might be explained by sub-lithospheric thermal anomalies causing uplift without penetrative magmatism developing to a point where volcanic activity occurs at the surface .
21 The possibility that a ceasefire might be imposed in late July spurred the NGC forces into heavy military action against the SOC regime during June , despite the onset of the rainy season .
22 They might be faced with tribal , linguistic or religious divisions , which provide bases for alternative centres of power ; their country might be poor or rich in natural resources ; its geo-political situation vis-a-vis other nations favourable or unfavourable ; the differences between classes , and the intensity of class conflict , more or less substantial .
23 The sceptics did not deny that by means of what was traditionally called an ‘ empirical ’ sign we might be led to indirect knowledge of something temporarily hidden : smoke from over the building is a sign that there is a fire behind .
24 DARWIN believed that elaborate ornamental traits expressed in both sexes might be favoured by mutual sexual selection driven by both female and male mate choice .
25 That is , although they generally rejected the idea that people might be ‘ converted ’ to homosexuality through seduction , they suggested that some might be tempted into other corrupt activities :
26 A trial date had finally been set for 17 June 1991 , but given the obvious flimsiness of the case , he was still concerned that somebody within the DEA might be tempted into direct action .
27 The criteria for discrimination are very variable and when European writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries at last began to realize ( perhaps inadvisedly ) that the word religion might be applied to other systems of thought besides Christianity this was one of the factors on which the classification of religions was based .
28 Subdivisions that might be applied to certain types of headings ( such as places , literatures , and so on ) are shown under key headings in the main list .
29 The research investigates the concepts of peacekeeping and peace enforcement as they might be applied to United Nations maritime operations .
30 Different interpretations might be applied to different organizations , but the basic information needs are the same .
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