Example sentences of "might [vb infin] a [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He might prefer a building society deposit or a National Savings instrument or government bonds or equities .
2 I might eat a bread roll without the butter while I wait for the meal to arrive , and slimline or diet drinks act as a wonderful filler .
3 In Wales for example where HSU 3 ( History Study Unit ( History Curriculum , England ) ) consists of the core unit " Early peoples , Celts and Romans " , on a museum visit or using material from a museum loan collection , the class might compare a flint scraper and the remnants of an iron knife blade , and look at the importance of the discovery of metals , and the differences it has made to people 's lives .
4 Some of their leaders , however , indulged in richer displays : in moments of leisure or on a Day of Truce a chieftain might sport a satin doublet or gold-buttoned jerkin , satin hose , and velvet breeches and cloak .
5 In the latter part of the chapter we shall consider , at a deeper level , how accounting analyses might facilitate a cost-leadership strategy .
6 You might want a 5.25-inch drive too , but it 's a luxury .
7 Might make a brother choke
8 Cases of interesting structure might include a rhyme pattern , an unusually high proportion of adjectives , or a particular type of narrative .
9 Other examples might include a routine car journey , when you have a feeling that you should fill up with petrol before the tank is empty .
10 It is likely in this kind of case that Regional Railways might seek a partnership operation with a local council or one of the passenger transport executives to establish a light rail line .
11 Though the rumours have told us a great deal , he 's still far from well , he might need a heart bypass , he 's gon na have to retire form politics .
12 Do you know any milliners who might need a sales assistant ?
13 More practices might consider a prescribing contract alone if they were allowed to retain a percentage of the savings .
14 If there is something of real interest to us , but we are n't ready to do a deal , we keep in touch and might fund a demo tape or some rehearsal time . ’
15 Although there were more than 100 British nationals killed in the accident there was no provision at that time for a State with such an interest to participate , but knowing that the minister was bound to be asked by MPs in the House what arrangements there were for investigating the cause of death of so many UK citizens I telephoned my old friend Michel Vigier in paris with a formal request that we might send a UK observer .
16 You 'll have to sort something out otherwise I too might give a Press conference so the world can hear my side of the story ! ’
17 A blackbird ( Turdus merula ) , for example , might give an alarm call on seeing a hawk flying overhead .
18 A retail organisation might choose a bottom-up plan , so might an airline .
19 You should edit your notes , just as you might edit a computer file .
20 For we have to consider the possibility that curriculum planners might assume an employment relationship where one does not exist ( any longer ? ) and conversely may be unaware of , or ignore , one that does .
21 For example , a large family shareholding which , if sold , might render a family company vulnerable to takeover , could instead be sold to an Esop .
22 Again , the workers in an industry might claim a wage increase of ‘ X and their employers might resist it and offer ‘ Y ; but the interests of another part of the economy might be affected in such a way by either proposal that neither is acceptable .
23 Neither , however , was complete withdrawal of the French from Indo-China for , as it was assumed that in all likelihood Indo-China would be taken over by the militant communist group , at best there might follow a transition period marked by chaos and terrorist activities , which would then create a political vacuum into which the Chinese inevitably would be drawn or pushed .
24 The combined salaries of two or more such offices might keep a government supporter happy , while the sheriffship itself was a stepping stone to an appointment as a baron of exchequer or a lord of session , should the lawyer be well connected and joined to a strong political interest .
25 Qualifications disqualify the person from being considered ( e.g. on the grounds that they will become easily bored or might become a trouble maker ) .
26 Some might like a push stick for safety but I 've never bothered .
27 ( 1 ) An important printed heading for a wide topic ( one for which you might draw a pattern diagram ) can be ringed , or outlined by a rectangle of red lines .
28 Certainly there is no one controlling it , as a man might control a power station by moving switches .
29 However , constant experiencing of anxiety dreams might suggest a waking life out of balance , a need for some adjustment .
30 She grunted so hard there seemed a very strong chance she might drop a turd right there and then .
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