Example sentences of "might [vb infin] [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Toilet seats are propped up against the wall , in the unlikely event that someone might want to buy them in a country where hygiene is pathological .
2 THESE questions , about men who have played an innings of 300 or more , are moderately easy , and the reader might like to tackle them without a reference book , at least to begin with .
3 Girls from orthodox Muslim and Sikh families feel this most strongly ; they also fear that through some misunderstanding their parents might try to withdraw them from school altogether , cutting off their lifeline to the outside world .
4 Some of us have to learn to forgive our parents for not being the people we might have wanted them to be .
5 One might have suspected them of being adverbs that simply lacked the ordinary morphological marking , as in : ( 12 ) Grandmother took the corner too fast However , one can conclusively show that this is not so by finding examples where the predicate qualifiers fill a position which can also be occupied by a true adverb ; here we observe that the effect is strikingly different .
6 They will trawl back in their minds for comments and clues that , if they had been understood at the time , might have enabled them to be more helpful .
7 This would seem to demonstrate not only that studies in different areas or at different times have produced different results , but that a follow through of the cases prosecuted might have found , for example , that Blacks had a different ( possibly higher ) rate of ‘ not guilty ’ pleas , with acquittal rates which might have justified them in not accepting a caution .
8 Green weeds and barnacles were thick on them , and whales might have saluted them in passing .
9 If their historical interest had saved them from the pick , the swinging steel ball , and the bulldozer , their intractable lay-out had discouraged renovators who might have put them to some use .
10 Whether , you know , people might have bought them as a set otherwise .
11 ‘ I thought he might have left them with somebody else at the college , ’ Loretta suggested weakly .
12 His voice was a mere whisper , but such was the effect of his words on the woman that he might have shouted them from the rooftops .
13 I should have thought they might have had them in a separate house really but I suppose there wo n't be enough of them to begin with
14 A quick search failed to reveal any suspiciously empty bottles of barbiturates , but of course she might have taken them with her .
15 Anyone who did n't know them might have taken them for a couple of businessmen out for a Sunday afternoon stroll .
16 Envy because we ca n't do them and horror because they might start doing them to us .
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