Example sentences of "might [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A reference was also necessary since it was possible that a similar case might arise in the public sector of employment where the Directive would have direct effect .
2 The high figure from the farm was due to government support and this might fall in the near future .
3 All spoke here of man 's work — his enterprise , his pleasure ; stately hotels vied with one another , handsome shops displayed in their windows all the luxuries one might expect in the great cities of the realm .
4 Jean would appreciate a note from you about what royalties she might expect in the near future , remembering she 's had a 500 advance .
5 Maxwell-Fyfe replied that virulent anti-Americanism was confined to a small minority , but he made the most of the opportunity to spell out the extent of British alarm over what the Americans were doing or might do in the Far East .
6 There were also reasons why tension between France and Germany might decline in the early eighties .
7 Indeed , the French press has produced the dangerous illusion in Lebanon that French soldiers might land in the Christian enclave to protect the Maronites .
8 Such an event might result in the new government being unwilling or unable to service external debt , including bank loans , i.e. nonpayment of interest and/or the principal sum loaned .
9 Thus by using the function keys f1 and f2 , the user might type in the following : ( f1 ) LM10(f2) ( f1 ) JO(f2) ( f1 ) EP(f2) On screen , the user would see , in green letters LM10 Jo EP This would result in a document which had a left hand margin of 10 spaces ( LM10 ) , was justified ( JO ) and was paginated ( EP ) .
10 B : Huh , lovely weather for March , is n't it ? where B 's utterance might implicate in the appropriate circumstances " hey , watch out , her nephew is standing right behind you " .
11 Had you thought about how that might look in the public prints ?
12 Indeed , the history of previous heroin ‘ epidemics ’ in the USA and the UK suggests both that , on the one hand , this plateau stage will be followed by a slow decline in the prevalence of heroin use , and , on the other hand , that a new heroin ‘ epidemic ’ might occur in the late 1990s or at the start of the next century .
13 But I was determined to get her ready for anything we might meet in the great outdoors .
14 The roars and cheers of the crowd covered any sound she made and , like a wraith , she made for the stairs , sweating even in the bleak February cold at the thought of who she might meet in the unknown upstairs .
15 As yet , no one was prepared to worry about what might happen in the distant future .
16 When the group comes together to discuss what might happen in the ensuing chapter , they return to the words of the text to support their evidence .
17 The pool-liners which fall into the next category are what one might call in the medium-price range and represent good value for the average newcomer to water gardening .
18 Secondly , the triangular relationship between the UK , the USA and the European Community will be examined in order to assess how civil aviation between them might develop in the near future .
19 In other words , the Board of Trade could more or less control the Service , co-operating with other agencies when and where it thought necessary , although those LEAs which had or might have in the future statutory powers for dealing with juveniles were permitted to submit schemes for the exercise of these powers , provided they could obtain the permission of both Boards .
20 We might proceed in the following way .
21 There are seldom any references to co-curricular activities and the important part which they might play in the whole curriculum of a school .
22 Disturbingly attractive male though he might be , Dr Penry Vaughan was nevertheless a match for any peril which might threaten in the small hours .
23 To the complaint that cognitive linguistics unjustifiably limits how one might legitimately understand the play , Freeman might reply in the following ways .
24 Conditions might mature in the near future .
25 A son who might rise in the Roman priestly hierarchy was essential to family and dynastic interests .
26 Can I Can I anticipate what er we might say in the bad taste bit then , did anybody think one was in in bad taste ?
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