Example sentences of "might [verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Having done that , they might want to visit the Hawthorns to see how today 's students are fed .
2 But it is at least possible that one or more of the investors might want to keep the shares for whatever remote speculative value the shares might have .
3 The growth of criticism of Rhee led to speculation that he might seek to postpone the elections scheduled for May 1950 .
4 The main problem remains Hillary Clinton , and what she might do to clobber the prices charged by drug companies in the USA , the world 's largest market .
5 Gradually she might begin to connect the consequences of her attitude .
6 ‘ We thought , ’ put in Bith , who was feeling a bit bolder now that Goibniu had approved their ideas , ‘ we thought that the lady — that is Reflection 's daughter — might like to see the designs before we put them to the forge , your honour . ’
7 While Ministers might like to please the voters by abandoning VAT on fuel , they know that this would be disastrous abroad .
8 Over a full Highland breakfast in the Lochnagar Restaurant , you might like to discuss the plans for your day with your guest .
9 ‘ Only that he 'd known you , that you might like to have the letters and the statue . ’
10 Traffic wardens and police patrols have been told to watch for motorists who might attempt to break the rules .
11 One might wish to examine the effects of the father 's death during a child 's early years on the development of masculinity , and accordingly compare a group of adolescent boys who had this experience with a group who did not .
12 Because there was no sign that Marian and Allen had regained the highway ahead of them the verderers agreed that there were three possibilities : the first , that the children would lie hidden for some time in dense woodland until it was safe for them to return to the ride ; the second , that they would try to work their way around the Swamp to the north but that since they would be away from paths this would be difficult and slow ; and the third , that they might try to reach the outlaws ' camp by passing the Swamp to the south .
13 Peter White , this instability could result as people have been warning in Civil War , that we 've already heard about venturism being er , suggested by the Russian leader Boris Yeltsin it , he might try to change the boundaries of the Soviet Republics .
14 Ben now said , ‘ You walk along ; you might have to open the gates
15 Sources predicted that there would be no sign of the frostiness which greeted Mr Spring 's suggestion , in a Guardian interview in July , that both Governments might have to bypass the parties and aim for joint rule .
16 I might have to cut the cleaners ' hours down a bit , ’ says Chris .
17 No matter how she might have to count the pennies she could always spare a few for the bright yellow flowers which reminded her of home .
18 When in a hurry , or eager to try out the new software you 've just received for example , you might forget to validate the disks .
19 When in a hurry , or eager to try out the new software you 've just received for example , you might forget to validate the disks .
20 Similarly , line managers might refuse to accept the recommendations of staff department experts .
21 Their patronage may not launch you to instant international attention , but they might help to raise the takings at your next gig in the junior Common Room or village hall , simply by listing the date , time and place .
22 It was agreed that there should be further investigation into optimum methods of publicising such an event in the future , and it was noted that setting up a central diary of events might help to reduce the chances of conflicting or uncomfortably close dates for similar events being chosen .
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