Example sentences of "man [verb] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the end the man agreed to take a loan of two shillings , and John 's card , and he promised to send repayment when he was next in funds .
2 In Whitehouse v Jordan [ 1981 ] , the House of Lords confirmed that an error of judgment does not automatically indicate negligence , it depends whether the error would have been made by a reasonably competent professional man professing to have the standard and type of skill that the defendant held himself out as having .
3 How could any man want to lay a finger on her , never mind father her children ?
4 The fourth book featured a scene in which a man planned to write a letter to his Father and Mother telling them of his new-found happiness , but he never could bring himself to write the letter .
5 I 'd do a lot for Sue , but a man has to draw the line somewhere . "
6 The blindfolded man has to preempt an attack as soon as he feels it coming by blocking and striking lightly in the direction that he senses it is coming from .
7 When a colour-blind man wants to become a truck driver , he fails at a colour test : his DNA does not need to be tested .
8 When they saw Ruth , both men looked slightly abashed , like a pair of overgrown schoolboys , and Connor explained : ‘ This young man wants to learn the rudiments of sparring , so I said I 'd give him a few pointers .
9 It does n't have to be followed slavishly , which can happen when a man wants to impose a schedule and organise it as formally as he has organised his work .
10 ( A decent man wants to marry a virgin . )
11 The tall dark-faced man seemed to have no problem managing his robes , though his haste did n't do him much good .
12 Rule 41 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules ( HC 169 ) provides : ‘ A man seeking to enter the UK for marriage to a woman settled here and who intends to settle here thereafter ’ will be refused entry clearance unless the ECO is satisfied that it is not the primary purpose of the marriage to obtain admission to the UK .
13 He says no , he says any man wanting to build an extension on his house , he 's gon na sit down and gon na count the cost of it .
14 On top of all that Prince Charles , heir to the throne and the man destined to become the Church 's supreme governor , has just split up with his wife and divorce looks likely .
15 Women are faced with an impossible situation , when if the man refuses to do the child care at the weekend and walks out , what do they do ?
16 So , by slow and painful steps , man learnt to become the hunter instead of the hunted , killing animals for food .
17 Should the man choose to chase the quail rather than shoot it , he would almost certainly still have his dinner .
18 He was an upholder of the supreme value of individual genius and its special insights as against everything ordinary and " philistine " ; an honest thinker , whose philosophical composure was strenuously acquired , so unlike the easy optimism of his age ; a man equipped to inspire a nation , " the philosopher of a reawakened classicism , a Germanic Hellenism , the philosopher of a regenerated Germany " .
19 A searcher is like a man going to buy a suit .
20 A man began to leave a message .
21 As he waited the young man began to feel the tension knotting his stomach .
22 The prosecution said he pointed a double barrelled shotgun at the bailiff , the female tax inspector and a garage man called to tow the car away .
23 A considerable amount of objectivity was necessary if a really wealthy man decided to sweep a Girl off her feet .
24 At Warrington , a deaf man decided to pay a visit to a relative he had not seen for some time , and set off to cycle there .
25 The man started to make a whistling sound through his teeth .
26 Mr. Maton had worked for many years as a solicitor 's clerk , he had not turned up for work that day , the young man sent to check the reason had found Mr. Maton dead in the kitchen , the small loaf collected on his way home from work the previous evening still in its wrapping on the table .
27 However , the NUJ man managed to squeeze a month 's money out of the management and Jane crossed Blackfriars Bridge back into the real world in a thunderstorm but with a light heart , passing the inevitable drunk Irishman proclaiming to the heavens : ‘ Jasus , Mary and Joseph — a bludy hurricane ! ’
28 McIllvanney man aged to insert a sneer into the word admirer .
29 On one tape the man vows to give the woman ‘ real passion ’ in 1990 and declares : ‘ Love you , love you , love you , love you , love you . ’
30 The soldier , a member of the Royal Irish Rangers , took the 65-year-old man forced to drive the Hiace van to safety .
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