Example sentences of "each [prep] which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not unknown for an American to want to show a dozen video tapes , each of which may cost £50 to transfer to the British system .
2 The disk is round , diameter up to 14 mm , covered by small imbricating scales , each of which may carry a single red-like spinelet , the tip of which may be multifid or simply abraded .
3 I think Stuart is hoping several group members will contribute specific perspectives , each of which may form a chapter of the report , whereas others will contribute through critical assessment of the issues .
4 I think Stuart is hoping several group members will contribute specific perspectives , each of which may form a chapter of the report , whereas others will contribute through an assessment of the issues .
5 For instance , a syntactic edge may span a number of lexical edges , each of which may span a number of phonemic edges , and so on .
6 The traditional line-item budget has the following defects : ( a ) The budget is subdivided on the basis of department or activity centres , each of which may operate several programmes either individually or as joint ventures .
7 One prominent tendency in recent Marxist thought , therefore , has been to replace the relatively simple and precise evolutionary scheme of Marx 's 1859 Preface by a more complex and indefinite picture of the history of society in which , beyond the primitive communal stage , two broad types of society are distinguished — pre-capitalist and capitalist each of which may develop very diverse forms of economy , politics and culture .
8 There are along the route four long tunnels , each of which would have required attention .
9 Thus it is possible that , as a result of letting out contracts for individual services possibly to different suppliers , the aggregate cost of the individual contracts ( each of which would have to be independently viable ) will exceed the combined cost of the original integrated services .
10 The revised draft committed its participants to a ‘ sovereign federal democratic state ’ based upon a voluntary union of republics with equal rights , each of which would have the right to choose its own forms of property and government .
11 Our outfit comes to £211 — still expensive but these dresses are quality items each of which would look good on their own .
12 May 11 In a statement issued in Luxembourg , the six GCC countries offer to send an observer to a regional peace conference , thereby partly satisfying Israeli demands that all Arab states play a role in the peace process ( the observer status was devised to differentiate the Gulf states from the " front-line " Arab states bordering Israel , each of which would receive a full seat ) .
13 Up to five stages in the life cycle could be identified , each of which might respond to a different agent .
14 5 tertiary centres for renal services are proposed in London , each of which should include a transplantation service and have a university component .
15 The Soviet Union had agreed to reduce from 308 to 154 its arsenal of SS-18s , the heaviest ICBM in the world , each of which could carry 10 warheads .
16 For a massive planet consisting largely of hydrogen and helium there are two main sources of heat for the interior , each of which could account for the excess radiation .
17 NT is great , but inklings I hear from beta testers of Netware 4.0 say there are at least five added features to the new Novell product , each of which will blow NT out of the networking water .
18 an increased number of data tracks , each of which will require index entries and so will add to the time required for rotational delays described in 2 above .
19 But the question raises a host of subsequent questions , each of which will help determine the structure and focus of our answer .
20 It could be sampling error ; the main data used in this chapter was collected in monthly sample surveys , each of which aimed to interview a cross-section of the general public but each of which will have deviated from the parent population to some extent .
21 What we choose to call this event depends upon factors such as its magnitude : we speak for instance of accidents , emergencies , disasters and catastrophes , each of which carries connotations concerning the scale of the event and each of which will have a set of human and/or environmental consequences .
22 The chief function of boundary commissions is to secure even representation amongst the constituencies within their jurisdiction , each of which will have a notional ‘ quota ’ consisting of the total number of electors divided by the number of constituencies .
23 However the general decisions formulated as maxims are themselves about how to act in a recurring situation and have no independent authority ; they do not pre-decide particular issues , each of which will have its peculiar features .
24 This is a device similar to a normal cassette recorder but which takes bigger tape cassettes , each of which can hold all the data and programs on your computer .
25 BRITAIN has some 2000 large reservoirs , each of which can hold more than 23 million litres of water .
26 By 1992 there will be more than 16 million miles of fibre-optic cable in place , each of which can carry 160 times more information than a copper wire .
27 It brings a fleet of seven 44-seater British Aerospace aircraft to Liverpool , each of which can carry up to six tonnes of freight .
28 You start the game with three Sopwith Camels ( the best Allied aircraft of WWI ) , each of which can absorb four hits before crashing to the ground .
29 It provides the power to drive the chain of buckets each of which can lift 7 cwt ( 356 Kg ) of silt .
30 The Liverpool-based operation has recently designed , developed and installed 25 new document scanning machines , each of which can handle up to 25,000 pools coupons an hour .
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