Example sentences of "each [noun sg] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The entire land was to be divided into missionary territories , each division under the religious instruction of a group of monks from Austrasia .
2 This done , I set each processor to a different effect and balanced the quantity of each effect coming into the Quad-FX with the four trim pots .
3 Spread and space each strip at an equal distance apart , lining up edge AB with the centre leading edge of the curtains .
4 Cut the pattern from the curved edge to bottom edge at regular intervals ( fig. 50a ) and place the bottom edge of each strip on the marked line ( CB ) .
5 But he warns that the ideas of civil association and enterprise association can not be understood as complementary characteristics ; they each stand for an independent , self-sustaining mode of association .
6 Since the summation convention is being applied , the mathematics involves multiplying each component of the dynamical equation ( 19.19 ) by the corresponding velocity component and then adding the three resulting equations .
7 Thus an operational and detailed equipment specification is developed before any actual building planning takes place and in this way it is possible to give the Architect a very clear brief of the functional relationships of each part of the total system .
8 Not only do they reflect the significance of each part of the ancient ritual , but also the solemn chant of the singers during the ceremonies and later the raucous shouts of the guests at the feast .
9 He was educated at Charterhouse and Pembroke College , Cambridge , where he obtained first classes in each part of the classical tripos ( 1896 and 1897 ) .
10 It does a thorough job of not only testing each part of the hard disk but it also saves any data on the disk while doing so by reading all usable tracks into memory before reformatting the track and then writing it to disk again in the same place — provided it was usable .
11 It is necessary , therefore , for each part of the universal Church to act ‘ as it believes the whole Church should act in obedience to Christ ’ .
12 If this check is positive , the program proceeds to drop down a level and search the new sub-assembly checking the box coordinates of each part against the selected part as before .
13 The St Albans clock had two similar escapements , one to control the going-train and one to ring the bell each hour on a twenty-four-hour system with the number of strokes equal to the hour .
14 Also , the need to treat each instalment as a separate amount for ageing purposes means that a great deal of care will need to be given to the analysis of repayment mortgages .
15 Coat each hair with a fine translucent film which smooths down the rough surface & seals the hair to prevent moisture loss .
16 It is not much directly concerned with land improvements although as part of a complex system of supports , staff of the Volcans d'Auvergne Regional Park understood that support payments ( of 1,000FF/year for each cow to an unknown maximum ) were made to farmers in the Massif Central through FIDAR and SOMIVAL ( a regional development company ) .
17 Each level of the human entity 's three beings is sustained by the energy in that dimension .
18 We confirmed that this result was not due to any differences in the amounts of DNA used in each lane of the Southern blot , because a second Xq22 marker detected restriction fragments in all samples .
19 Each year management compares the net book amounts carried in respect of each field with the estimated net realisable amount of proven and probable reserves within each field .
20 An instruction adds one to each field of a specified index register , and jumps to a specified address unless the loop count field has reached zero .
21 Each sub-culture of the academic community , then , declines to be a culture in the normal sense , for each sub-culture is potentially critical of just those elements which constitute its culture .
22 This makes it easy to use each crayon as a fine , crisp ‘ tool ’ as well as a blunter one or rubbed on its side .
23 Once all responses have been received , we should assist our client in drawing up a shortlist of those targets our client would most wish to meet , by combining the relative enthusiasm of each response with the proactive search rankings .
24 So to lighten our load and ensure that your answer is passed on quickly would you please put each response in a separate envelope with the name of the reader it is addressed to on the front .
25 Somewhat in contrast to these findings about Thatcher and Kinnock , the visibility of all ‘ other ’ Conservative and Labour politicians , taken in each case as a collective ‘ other ’ , became more predictable as the election approached .
26 Snider argues that the presence of dominant companies ‘ seems to make the government prosecutors more wary , probably because such companies always have the most skilled battery of lawyers who will pursue each case to the Supreme Court if possible ’ ( 1978 : 154 ) .
27 Because the MMC is charged to investigate each case with an open mind , its judgements have tended to stress different aspects of behaviour in different cases .
28 There had to be prior scrutiny in each case of the particular facts , sovereign interests , and the likelihood that the Convention procedures would prove effective .
29 India and Pakistan , but he had to work in each case through the chief executive who was charged with running the business .
30 Each case within the protected class must , in the end , depend on its own facts .
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