Example sentences of "government [coord] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But neither industry nor BT can afford to give free training so the bill must be paid by a foreign government or the International Telecommunication Union , which is based in Switzerland .
2 Third party rebels can express their assent in a variety of ways , including notifying the government or the International Committee of the Red Cross , or by implementing the Protocol .
3 If Her Majesty 's Government have , at least in principle , accorded official recognition to Croatia if certain conditions are met , would it not be very difficult for Her Majesty 's Government or the European Community to deny Croatia the legitimate UN-recognised right of self-defence ?
4 In the end , only the provincial government or the central government in Delhi had a view of the ‘ whole ’ and it was an increasingly abstract one at that .
5 In legal aid work , however , the Government or the Legal Aid Board , and not the client , would choose the successful tender .
6 Sovereignty is the , we 'll turn to it later , we 'll look at sovereignty again , but linked to sovereignty is the idea that you can make legislation , you can pass laws and then you can say these laws are going to be carried out , implemented by courts followed by sanctions though very little law is related to foreign policy because the British government or the Russian government or the United States government ca n't make laws which apply worldwide or outside its own area of claimed sovereignty so there is a difference of the environment in which foreign policy takes place .
7 The only exception to this is that no one other than a state government or the Federal Government may operate a television or radio station without the approval of the president .
8 He could not change the monarchical nature of the government or the hereditary nature of the monarchy .
9 If there were to be a Labour Government or the unlikely event of a Liberal Democrat Government , it would be open house for local authorities to spend and spend , just like Viv Nicholson .
10 Neither the Labour government nor the Tory government was able to deliver its party .
11 And it could knock 10 per cent off the National Health Service 's drugs bill by undermining price agreements between the government and the major drug companies .
12 After all , in view of the Special Agreement currently being discussed between the British Government and the Egyptian Government — ’
13 The implied condemnation by Archbishop Runcie of the jingo spirit of the Falklands War , and the open , if confused , critique of the government 's handling of the miners ' strike by the Bishop of Durham , David Jenkins , caused a widening breach between government and the established Church .
14 Next , if I were wise only to my own ends , I would certainly take such a subject as of itself might catch a clause , whereas this ’ — he is of course writing about the vexed question of erm Church government and the possible disappearance of episcopy — ‘ whereas this hath all the disadvantages on the contrary , and such a subject as the publishing whereof might be delayed at pleasure and time enough to pencil it over with the curious touches of art , even to the perfection of a faultless picture , whereas in this argument the not deferring it is of great moment to the good speeding .
15 He understood and developed the concepts of imperial rule and responsibility , and took an intense interest in all matters of law , government and the practical realisation of the feudal ideals which he personally embodied .
16 This is a strange debate because , although the motions on the Order Paper tabled by both the Government and the official Opposition parties are long on words , they are short on relevance to the vital questions raised by the draft treaties which will be discussed at Maastricht .
17 That policy , like that of the Government and the official Opposition , is at present under review because of the enormous changes that have occurred during the past two years .
18 The Hague is the seat of the Dutch Government and the official residence of the Dutch monarchy .
19 Relationships between the government and the employing organisation require explanation too .
20 Nevertheless , the decision was enough to make Labour 's ‘ sister party ’ bring down the last Labour Government and the working class throughout the UK is still paying for the SDLP 's pettiness .
21 The process will , of course , be greatly expedited if the Tories form the next Government and the Prime Minister can claim to be his own man with his own mandate .
22 Much of this rankles with the present Conservative UK government and the Prime Minister openly criticises the ‘ nightmare ’ of a socialist European superstate run from Brussels .
23 So it is not easy to strike the right balance between over-control by central government and the consequent stifling of local initiative , and too little check on local action resulting in serious neglect of some social needs .
24 The approach of the NAO was to examine the effectiveness of the system in pursuing the objectives of central government and the consequent impact of the system on the activities of local authorities .
25 From 1316 when Lancaster 's power was at its height , until 1323 , when Edward once again had full control of the government and the thirteen-year truce was concluded , Scottish forces ravaged northern England almost as far south as the Humber , plundering and impoverishing the clergy no less than the laity of that region .
26 Impressed by their officials ' strictures about the need for obeying government rules and directives as a means of maintaining some notion of good local government and the good opinion of Central Government , with a sense of loyalty and dependency towards their officials , and a feeling that their own integrity was at stake , they maintained the policy .
27 Israel and its " proxy " militia the South Lebanese Army ( SLA ) continued military operations in southern Lebanon throughout November , despite growing pressure from the Lebanese government and the international community to halt the attacks .
28 IRVINESTOWN in Co Fermanagh today received an £800,000 cash injection from the Government and the International Fund for Ireland .
29 It is also important that agencies like education , the media , government and the legal system assist the ruling class in preserving those interests .
30 In response to increasing demands for expert self-awareness and self-evaluation in meeting the demands of the new curriculum , the new organization of school government and the new involvement of parents , a head 's disposable time could be better spent in grappling at his or her own level with those organizational , philosophic and marketing questions which lie behind the giving of a professional account of a school .
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