Example sentences of "government [unc] [noun sg] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend accept that the Government 's position puts all the responsibility as to whether to prosecute on local authorities ?
2 It was also a result of the government 's willingness to accept significant amendments to the bill .
3 It would demonstrate the Government 's willingness to get tough with an influential sector of the community for an increasingly obvious worthy cause .
4 It was also understood that the Iranian government 's willingness to resume diplomatic relations stemmed from the desire among its " pragmatists " , led by the President , Hojatolislam Hashemi Ali Akbar Rafsanjani , to end Iran 's diplomatic and political isolation vis-à-vis Western states .
5 They say the Government 's willingness to over-subsidise private old people 's homes has caused the 300-plus empty spaces at the county 's 42 council-run homes .
6 At issue is the FBI 's ability to wiretap in future … the FBI is not only asking the industry to dumb down existing software , it wants to prohibit it from developing new technologies that might interfere with the government 's ability to intercept various oral and electronic communications . ’
7 In the past month , Mrs Aquino 's popularity has declined , and there was growing disenchantment with her government 's ability to provide adequate transport and power , and to contain corruption .
8 In the past month , Mrs Aquino 's popularity has declined , and there was growing disenchantment with her government 's ability to provide adequate transport and power , and to contain corruption .
9 CITIZEN 'S Charter Minister William Waldegrave is today expected to announce a cash boost for the Government 's campaign to increase public awareness of science .
10 The Review Committee was established in June 1993 , by the Department of Health , as part of the government 's drive to improve public services and ensure there are clear procedures for making complaints .
11 A revised edition of this document was produced in 1985 ( Cabinet Office ( MPO ) / Treasury , 1985c ) which reflected developments in policy and practice since the 1981 edition , particularly the government 's drive to strengthen financial management .
12 The Mediterranean-Dead Sea Project is part of the government 's plan to diversify this narrow structure .
13 PEPs originally were designed as part of the Government 's plan to help more people become share owners by offering them the chance to invest in the Stock Exchange .
14 The United Kingdom 's government 's plan to introduce special legislation to allow to prosecution of alleged war criminals [ see pp. 36190 ; 37019 ] had to be deferred after the House of Lords rejected the bill on June 4 , 1990 by 207 votes to 74 .
15 If the market took the view that the Government 's determination to control public spending was weakening , then we would see the pound fall and inflation increase .
16 We warmly welcome the Government 's determination to tackle environmental problems caused by old minerals permissions .
17 Despite the government 's determination to modify regional expenditure in the mid-1980s , total regional aid — both selective assistance and the more important automatic development grant — amounted to almost £700 million in 1986–7 .
18 The reason for these changes is the government 's determination to encourage more people to gain qualifications based on industry 's precise needs .
19 Marking his first anniversary in power , President Ferdinand Collor de Mello announced a National Reconstruction Plan on March 14 , aimed at restoring public confidence in his government 's determination to secure stable economic growth in the medium term , and in its flagging efforts to control inflation [ for March 1990 , February 1991 anti-inflation plans see pp. 37312 ; 38002 ] .
20 Given the British Government 's determination to provide official aid to democratic countries — we are seeing the emergence of a growing number of them — does my hon. Friend agree that it would be proper and popular over the next five years to halve the gap between our official aid and the United Nations target ?
21 On July 17 President Saddam Hussein denounced the UN as " an advertising agency " of the USA and indicated his government 's determination to obstruct further weapons inspections .
22 Thus , while the Government 's scheme to purchase some 20,000 properties will help reduce the overhang of unsold properties , it is unlikely to provide a significant boost to the market as a whole .
23 The government 's promise to provide increased protection did not prevent the murder on Dec. 5 of another judge , Bernardo Jaramillo , who had been investigating activities of the Medellín drug cartel .
24 German officials reported on Jan. 29 that a German freighter , the Godewind , bound from Szczecin in Poland for Syria , had been found to be carrying 16 Czechoslovak-made T-72 tanks for the Syrian armed forces , apparently in contravention of the Czechoslovak government 's promise to end such transactions .
25 These include an increase to £250,000 in the maximum loan for established businesses , an increase in the Government 's guarantee to cover 85 per cent of the loan , and a reduction in the premium payable by borrowers for fixed rate loans .
26 If the Government 's approach continues unamended , and if there is no major industrial slump affecting the returns from investments , the living standards of pensioners dependent on occupational sources of income and savings are likely to move even further away from those mainly dependent on state benefits , who will get poorer relative both to other pensioners and to the rest of the community .
27 Surveys of attitudes to so-called Thatcherite ideas ( for example , a government sticking to its principles , however unpopular ; not consulting with the major economic interests ; and the government 's inability to do much about unemployment ) found that , on average , Thatcherite supporters ( 40 per cent ) were outnumbered by opponents ( 47 per cent ) .
28 The Sri Lanka Moslem Congress called for the Moslem community to arm itself for self-defence in view of the government 's inability to provide adequate protection .
29 The latest attempt is timed with growing popular dissaffection with the government 's inability to provide basic services and curb corruption and rising prices .
30 The dismissal of Luis Maria Argaña as Foreign Minister in late July , after he stated publicly that the ruling Colorado party would never give up power ( contrary to the government 's pledge to hold free elections in 1993 ) , was followed in mid-August by the resignation of the entire Cabinet , to allow President Andrés Rodriguez to conduct a reshuffle .
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