Example sentences of "government [verb] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A paper presented to the meeting by the British government sought to draw the attention of pro-whaling nations to the attractions of whale-linked tourism , arguing that preserving whales could provide greater financial benefits than killing them .
2 As the Government sought to balance the books in a nation where the chances of finding a job are equal to that of winning the pools , the unthinkable became the unavoidable .
3 In the 1960s the government sought to reduce the animist religious confusion in the nation — and centralize its own authority by abolishing the practice of all but five officially sanctioned religions .
4 Candidates reportedly supported by the government failed to dislodge the supporters of the Chamber 's chairman Abdel Aziz Saqr , who won all but one of the 24 board seats .
5 In Iraq the government failed to deliver the autonomy it promised in 1970 , and punished the Kurds after their rebellions in 1974–75 and 1986–88 with executions , mass deportations and the demolition of thousands of villages .
6 The Soviet government failed to provide a warning of the accident to European governments and when information was offered it was incomplete .
7 The World Bank had in March 1989 suspended disbursements on $350,000,000 of sector reform loans after the government failed to meet the conditions attached to them [ see p. 36613 ] .
8 The prospect that the primate centre could be closed raised such a storm of protest that the government agreed to delay a decision until after the completion of a report on the centre 's performance by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences .
9 Peace was restored after the government agreed to abandon the tax increases .
10 On May 13 the government agreed to sign an accord with Iran providing for the despatch of a 50-strong Iranian team to help put out oil fires in Burgan province .
11 The Government agreed to address the problem of falling access to justice and they established a review of legal aid eligibility .
12 The miners returned to work on Feb. 13 , 1989 , after the government agreed to discuss the demands presented by the ( left-wing ) Confederation Democratique du Travail , to which the miners reportedly belonged .
13 Not only does the Government want to put the railways into the private sector , it also wants competition on the routes .
14 But the social-security surplus is having the opposite of its intended effect : in helping the government to evade cutting the deficit , it is reducing national savings , and thereby reducing the country 's ability to support future pensioners rather than increasing it .
15 I urge the Government to continue to resist the idea of more regulations being attached to employees .
16 Later this year , he said , the Government planned to explain the changes to employers .
17 Does the Secretary of State recall the letter sent by Mr. Ian MacGregor , the former chairman of the coal board , to every miner in June 1984 , which described as ’ absolutely untrue ’ the claim by mine union leaders that the Government planned to reduce the number of working pits to under 100 ?
18 It was subsequently announced that the government planned to increase the size of the country 's internal security forces to accommodate some 16,000 " unemployed " militiamen .
19 The government planned to increase the UK 's annual capacity for dealing with toxic waste from 83,000 tonnes to 500,000 tonnes .
20 The minister also said that the government expected to double the size of the electorate by extending the franchise to women over 21 and to naturalized citizens who had previously been denied the vote .
21 It is all very well for the Government to pretend to mount a campaign against drugs and drug imports , but at the same time they have allowed another Department , the Treasury — Conservative Members do not want to hear — to cut 400 customs officer jobs .
22 ( The US government avoided using the word " blockade " at this time , preferring to describe its intention as the " interdiction " of sanctions-breaking . )
23 At a conference in Lusaka , the Zambian capital , on March 19-23 , Malawian exiles and critics of the Banda government met to discuss the prospects for democracy in the country .
24 since 1987 , given that even double-glazing salesmen appear to have gone quiet in this recession and given that energy-efficiency investment not only helps the environment but protects the vulnerable and the old and creates hundreds of thousands of jobs , will the Government consider extending the exemption from stamp duty for all energy-efficient homes beyond August and perhaps indefinitely ?
25 The British government has ignored the advice of its own experts on the disposal of radioactive waste generated by hospitals and research institutes .
26 In keeping with its stance on regional neutrality the government has undertaken no studies of the regional impact of the Tunnel outside the South East despite the fears of more remote regions that their businesses will move to locations nearer the Tunnel or lose trade to southern and French competitors .
27 In education and housing the government has limited the role of local government .
28 Responding to criticism from environmentalists , the government has increased the Inspectorate 's staff and budget , and given it the status of an independent agency .
29 In reality the argument is all about whether the government has increased the budget enough .
30 But in the same period the Government has increased the rate of national insurance contributions from 6.5 to 9 per cent , and , because these rates start at a lower threshold than taxation , the net effect has been to mitigate the changes in income tax .
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