Example sentences of "'m [not/n't] [v-ing] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But I 'm not refunding a whole House Full just because the police come in and close the show .
2 I said I 'm not getting a fair square deal here .
3 ‘ I 'm not wearing a bathing suit , ’ she snapped .
4 " I 'm not wearing a proper enough business suit to meet Sir Willie in , " she moaned .
5 ‘ I 'm not suggesting a wholesale restructuring , merely that a few of the top ladies could benefit from participating at a higher level of competition ’ .
6 Great Scott , I 'm not having a little five-year-old brigand sitting with the senior girls and boys in the top form .
7 I 'm not paying a bloody hell of a lot !
8 I 'm not pulling a funny face !
10 ‘ OK ’ , they say ‘ I 'm not doing a good enough job at the moment .
11 I 'm not making a million dollars a performance , but I do damn well , and I do n't think people should make a million dollars for a film .
12 Only as we 've lost the last one , I 'm hanging on to , it 's hanging in my wardrobe , I 'm not making a third one
13 Erm I did say at the time if the Council agreed it was we would approve the new application it would only be if the original was rescinded and I did speak to the Town Clerk so there 's no need , I 'm not making a big issue , but I think the Council should be aware and the Town Clerk I believe has notified because again this is one of those things that could happen at a later date and as we all know if we have n't made these things perfectly clear .
14 I 'm not making a big fuss like Mary !
15 ‘ I hope I 'm not interrupting a feminist discussion , but I want to ask you something .
16 I 'm not proposing a massed demo .
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