Example sentences of "going through the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Without going through the long list of advantages that they possess , one or two are extremely appealing — a fast enough speed of about 60 miles an hour , low enough height for passengers to be able to enjoy the view and an ability to stop without falling .
2 Next year 's will of course be going through the new procedure
3 It was almost certainly going through the final stages of the digestive process .
4 Not only were we going through the timid rituals of conventional courtship after a six-month diet of take-away sex , but I was the one who insisted that it stay that way until we were legally united .
5 Soon , the two of them were ready and going through the front door .
6 Huy tried to imagine her going through the simple ceremony with someone else , and could not .
7 Start from scratch this spring with a thorough clean-out and then treat the pond as though it were a new one , going through the necessary maturation process .
8 He believes — as any political leader must believe , to keep himself going through the grinding work of electioneering — that victory is out there , but that the voters are making the Tories work hard for it .
9 Redpath put on a pair of silk gloves and started going through the inside pocket of the jacket , following with the outside pockets .
10 I am back in the little room at the top of the spiral staircase on Wednesday morning and I am sitting on the Squeez-Ee box , with the minute in front of me , going through the remaining contents of the Quaker Oats archive , page by dusty page .
11 ( And the prospective mothers-in-law must be aware that this is going through the young man 's mind , must n't they ?
12 I was going through the death-registry books in the cartrio civil of Bom Jesus da Mata , a market town in the sugar-plantation region of Pernambuco in the Brazilian North-East .
13 Would not the courts therefore be able to take into account the facts of offences without going through the restrictive provisions in this ill-considered new Bill ?
14 Oh , no — did this mean going through the uncouth rigmarole of extrication , re-smearing and reinsertion in the presence of the newly-beloved ?
15 As solid as a rock and a very tough competitor , Clohessy would have been a perfect choice , particularly after going through the pre-Tour fitness regime .
16 As Martin Walker says : ‘ The Oxford of the late Sixties was going through the heady delights of the sexual revolution .
17 Hammond , as well as carefully going through the various room assignments with Hunt , asked for a two-storey fire-proof building with attic and basement , and limited accommodation for servants and messengers .
18 I know it must be hard for anyone to accept a set of equations without going through the usual routine of presenting the relevant experimental justifications .
19 The kids were going through the practical joke stage and , having exhausted their repertoire on us , were delighted to have a new victim .
20 Some children report doing ‘ turtle in my head ’ without prompting and without going through the physical turtle response for self-control .
21 The other system is known as record-playback and involves the skilled craft operator going through the physical motions of machining the first piece of the batch with the machine in record mode .
22 STAFF at the Drumkeen Hotel in Belfast are today yet again going through the grimly-familiar routine of clearing up after another terrorist bombing .
23 They keep wanting to supply goods without going through the proper procedures .
24 I had no intention of going through the proper channels ; it could take weeks .
25 Now , of course , he is going through the inevitable comparison with Hare , and it is hard following a legend .
26 Was the condition of the patient already in the ambulance so critical , so life threatening as to justify the ambulance driver going through the red traffic light at such a speed , that the victim was carried 30 yards on the bonnet ?
27 Eventually , Agrippa , Benjamin and I entered Nottingham , going through the main archway into a dirty maze of streets .
28 We know only a little about how , in this more secular society , we should try to minimize the damage for people going through the grieving process .
29 We 've got so much going through the big wire , put another little wire on as well .
30 Establishing that something is clearly wrong does not require going through the underlying reasoning .
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