Example sentences of "going [to-vb] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We are now two players short and I am going to struggle to find eleven men .
2 If we attempt to put the wrong type of things together , or attempt separate explanations of things which are part of the same natural kind , then we are going to struggle to produce successful science .
3 In August , for example , de Gaulle predicted that the US would resort to force , once it became clear that Stalin was going to try to build atomic weapons .
4 Er I was only going to propose to use four staff on that .
5 He had only been out of his house for two nights so he was not going to start to do criminal things .
6 But I do n't suppose this bunch of morons we 've got here will ever read it because by the look of them they are never going to learn to read any thing ! ’
7 I 'm not going to attempt to pour cold water on it , for any plaudits we get here from the South where racing is concerned should be gratefully received , but I noticed that the award was based on the votes of a panel of members of the Racing Club of Ireland and ‘ leading racing writers ’ .
8 ‘ You 're going to have to stop some time , ’ Jessamy said furiously .
9 That being so , then the company is going to have to generate considerable revenue to maintain their own viability .
10 You 're going to have to put some input in if you want it for free , that 's all I 'm going to say .
11 Ace , you 're going to have to use that grenade .
12 Sooner or later I was going to have to turn this conversation round to Jesus Christ .
13 A Localised Puddle of Indifference I guess Gary Gibson is going to have to do more routes just to keep people 's minds ticking over during winter ) HVS , is said to be the best of the bunch and worth a couple of stars .
14 It 's sorry , I 'm going to have to do some mathematics because what my friend is telling me it it curious it 's it 's the thirty four per hectare .
15 So we are going to have to do some detective work to find out about Matthew .
16 If I 've got a couple of these blank , I can not finish on Friday night , I 'm going to have to do some overtime .
17 Er shh , we 'll do it with cos there 's more sea over there and I 'm going to have to draw some plans .
18 She was not feeling in her sunniest humour as she wondered if she was going to have to wait all day tomorrow for her summons , when someone rang her doorbell .
19 Worse still , the unique Gynaecological Oncology Unit at Bart 's was full — she was going to have to wait two weeks for a bed there .
20 I 'm going to have to call that man . ’
21 ‘ You 're going to have to watch that stuff .
22 With Nina out of the office , however , someone was going to have to take nominal charge .
23 Another draw , we are going to have to get some wins .
24 We 're going to have to get some polystyrene or something and put that over there and then he 's gon na get a plain er wood panel , you know
25 She was going to have to get some money .
26 Erm , because of the Nathan reports , I mentioned to you last year , we 're going to have to raise more money than we thought sometime ago .
27 Clearly , your commercial is going to have to achieve some kind of miracle if it is to avoid boring the pants off the heavy viewer and still have some impact on the light viewer .
28 And I know what you 're saying , Rosie — I 'm going to have to find new digs .
29 Is , my Lord Mayor , going to have to find extra money to fi to fi to fund those sites independently .
30 He 'd once mockingly said that their relationship had been written in the stars ; if it had been then she was going to have to find some way to unwrite it , fast !
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