Example sentences of "going [prep] [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If so , it would only have increased his feeling of vulnerability and awkwardness for , until he had come to recognize that he was not going to be the greatest poet of the age after Yeats , Lewis was always hostile to poets .
2 This is going to be the greatest film ever made in America . ’
3 ‘ This is going to be the greatest team ever seen in the White House , ’ she predicts .
4 But this is not just any conference : it 's apparently going to be the greatest ever gathering of world leaders in one place at one time .
5 He said : ‘ The assistant chief constable of Merseyside said that this was going to be the greatest fraud trial since Poulson .
6 It 's going to be the dirtiest election .
7 Then , changing the subject , he told her that he was going to be the new head of economic analysis at Chessington-Harris .
8 Well , er first of all , it 's a smaller er Authority , er the er meetings of the Authority area are of course er going to be in public , just as er always , and er I think probably the key er advantage is going to be the new emphasis that we 'll be able to place on buying health care services .
9 Swindon Town players reckoned this game was going to be the toughest test of the season so far , so it was 10 out of 10 for them .
10 During 1992 , we feel that 's going to be the essential ingredient in managing risk . ’
11 In an environment where the data can be coming from ATs , PCs or portables the DaynaFile is obviously going to be the better solution and it has the added benefit of being portable between systems which is not true for the Apple unit .
12 I mean they 're not even three , yet they 're going to be the absolute youngest .
13 And we 'll give them a fork and knife and I wo n't go into it in great detail but everything is going to be the six courses will be entirely accurately served on bread plates over on pewter trenchers .
14 It seems that once upon a time OS/2 was going to be the real version of Windows , but Microsoft changed its mind and decided to go it alone .
15 the second game against benneton treviso was always going to be the real test …
16 This college seemed as if it was going to be the best thing that happened to me .
17 So , if we accept that the Macintosh and the PC were designed differently , work differently and treat the user differently which is going to be the best — at least so far as desktop publishing is concerned ?
18 By Jove , it 's going to be the best fun in the world !
19 She decided that perhaps honesty was going to be the best policy after all .
20 ‘ I 've never seen you before in my life , ’ I said , not believing for a minute that honesty was going to be the best policy .
21 ‘ It 's going to be the best damned marriage there ever was ! ’
22 ‘ It 's going to be the best Christmas ever because this year I have done everything myself and the horrible atmosphere of the last seven years has lifted . ’
23 So just keep telling yourself beforehand that whatever else happens , you are going to be the sole runner among the 25,000 who resolutely sticks to his/her comfortable training pace from Mile One .
24 Moreover , as AIDS starts to affect the most productive section of the community ( those between 30 and 50 years ) there is not going to be the skilled labour available in the future to supply enough food for the nation .
25 ‘ But listen , it 's going to be the other way round , is n't it ? ’
26 Yes , erm I 'm sorry to disappoint you this is n't going to be the other side of the coin .
27 Besides , there is no solid reason to assume that Mr Hussein 's will is going to be the first to break .
28 All three of you are going to be the first victims of the Kershaw Worm . ’
29 It seemed that NoS was going to be the first to tap the huge reservoir of people who had given up on the papers altogether .
30 Is 1992 going to be the first true Year of the Environment ?
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