Example sentences of "going [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Major said at question time : ‘ Decent families everywhere will have been sickened by that cold-blooded attack on innocent people going about peaceful business on a spring Saturday lunchtime . ’
2 And it invites the conclusion that rhodopsin-like compounds are a particularly favoured way of going about light detection in the animal world .
3 you see and ther I su I suppose there was about ten or a dozen girls behind the counter because it was early and late turn for them because you see we were open , you see , until ten o'clock at night , you see , and er then , well , anyway , after that erm I heard about this job going as Assistant Manageress at Cambridge and er so I applied and the Manager said to me , I thought well I 'll be here ten years , erm I can be here until I 'm you know , donkeys years and er so he said well look you may not get a job because he said that another girl coming from Norwich to go to Cambridge to see the Manager as well as you and so you might not get it , she might get it , and , however , I went and er I , I met the Manager and the Manageress in the front office , the Manager 's office and we all had a chat but I did n't see the girl from Norwich , she must have gone some other day and anyway I got the job , you see , and er , and so I went to Cambridge as Assistant Manageress and I very well and I got to know all kinds of people , all nationalities being a university city .
4 Yeats divagated into Virgil 's territory only when , in 1915 , he wrote Per Amica Silentia Lunae , going for that title to Aeneid , 2 , 255 : A Tenedo tacitaeper amica silentia lunae .
5 He , he , he said that at one point this chap had used the phrase that well that they were going for controlled destabilization from the Health Service .
6 It is almost impossible to keep such a tight regime going for any length of time .
7 ‘ They are going for maximum output from this reduced acreage and that in turn means that they have to use all the most cost-effective technology — including chemicals as and when required . ’
8 The British Trust for Conservation Volunteers is going for another plant-in on land adjacent to Port Meadow in Oxford .
9 Oh look , it 's Richard Branson going for another record in his big balloon — go on , bomb the bearded bigwig !
10 But , but we are adjusting our rates and going for more work on the basis of a group ,
11 She realised he must be going through some kind of hell waiting for the rime when he could let all his suppressed urges out .
12 ‘ He 's going through some sort of crisis or — metamorphosis .
13 Well I , I just thought perhaps erm , you know , if there was any erm sort of up-front to this idea of you know going through some sort of dialectical model career towards socialism .
14 And I frankly can see no way of being able to answer that question or attempt to answer that question without going through this form of exercise .
15 Section A is fairly similar to the intro , but going through this section for the second time do n't forget to use the alternative fill in bar 5 .
16 They played out with sincerity the traumas of a couple going through rigorous assessment for adoptive parenthood , and of a single father , widowed and with a prison conviction , coming to terms with the loss of his children .
17 And when we were down in the kitchen the partition between the butt and the bairn as they called it was going like that inside of the house in the gale .
18 I think that I was also over-confident when going into that river as if I 'd done it all before and was some sort of expert .
19 He worked at the gasworks in Windsor and Eton and then in the chemical industry before going into private practice in the early 1870s .
20 He comments on the incorrect modelling of the airship going into great detail with regard to the number of ribs , panels , engine positions etc .
21 So he started getting up early again , at five or even four , and going into heavy sleep with the waning light .
22 Sun is said to be going into direct competition with Apple Computer Inc spin-out General Magic Inc and has already licensed designs for its nomadic computer to two Japanese companies , and is in talks with French and German consumer electronics companies .
23 ‘ Listen boy , ’ he said , addressing the son and ignoring Matilda , ‘ seeing as you 'll be going into this business with me one day , you 've got to know how to add up the profits you make at the end of each day .
24 As a family Queen 's Park Baptist Church means a lot to us , and it is good to be going into this task with such a strong church behind us .
25 Going into more detail on the book buyer profile , he reported buoyancy in the 24+ age group market , but a decline in the amount of time 16 to 19 year olds spend reading each week .
26 Frank will be going into more detail on these and our other businesses , which are all facing an uphill struggle , particularly in the U K and North America , both in deep recession and which you can see continue to make up the bulk of our markets .
27 Going into another troupe after being a Tiller would have been too much of a comedown .
28 He 'll find himself going into some supermarket in Praed Street , buying fillets of plaice and frozen broccoli for her sons ' dinner …
29 It is possible to withdraw more than the £50 daily limit , as long as you have sufficient funds , by going into any branch of The Royal Bank of Scotland .
30 He said there was more to be done but that the Chancellor deserved a cheer for going along this route at the moment .
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