Example sentences of "going [adv] to [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On several occasions they had er displayed guns where people would back into their driveway or er show some indication that they were going on to their property , then guns were revealed , people coming out of the the buildings out there with guns and what have you .
2 Instead of starting with the birth of Jesus and going on to his ministry , death and resurrection , the first disciples began with the resurrection and showed how it made sense of the rest .
3 There was a fight of some kind going on to my left ; all the people who a minute ago had been fleeing into the bush were just as suddenly pouring back .
4 Marie Marie was going down to her mother 's she was running as usual , she dashed up to our back door and said , is Doug around ?
5 He would n't mind going for a labourer , though there were n't that many jobs ; nor would he have minded going down to his uncle Henry Yaxlee 's yard to help out with the horses .
6 AFTER THE MONTHS of location shooting in Cornwall , and the completion of the interiors of Straw Dogs at Twickenham Studios in London in March 1971 , Dustin returned to his New York home , determined to spend as much time as possible with his family , only going down to his production office , SweetWall Productions , on West 56th Street , for a few hours a day .
7 The blade was going in to its hilt , in , and in again , and the blood was spreading out over the priest 's hairless chest .
8 Before quotas , about 50 per cent of the food energy going in to our dairy cows was in the form of cereals : food that could be directly used by man , because in those days it was cost-effective to get as much milk as possible out of individual cows .
9 ‘ Every single drop of water going in to your house has been expensively treated to make it drinkable , so do you really want to spray it all over your car ? ’ said Kent Meters Marketing Director Terry Stoten .
10 She was taking off her hat and coat as she spoke ; then going over to her aunt , she bent down and kissed her on the cheek , and followed this with the same salutation for her uncle ; and in response he patted her on the shoulder .
11 ‘ Well , I intend to give myself a reward , ’ Merrill said , going over to his window and closing it .
12 She said , " I 'm going over to my father . "
13 Ring up Ted and Linda and see while they 're going over to your mother 's we 'll go over to Aberystwyth .
14 and they come in and have a coffee , that 's it , good boy , and erm , er , so , I , I said well I 'm gon na have to go I 'm going over to me daughter 's she 's just had a baby so
15 And after that , I 'm going home to my turret , my Castle-in-the-Air .
16 ‘ I was coming to work , going home to my family , coming back to work , ’ he says .
17 We were going home to our mothers , to our rissoles and chips and tomato sauce , to learn French words , to pack our football gear for tomorrow .
18 On that demanding circuit , he served his time to the troubadour 's trade , learning how to handle an audience , and going home to his law books .
19 In all those years of deception , Brian Courtenay , whether as boss of a catering-equipment firm or , later , as a humble taxi-driver , never missed going home to his wife for supper .
20 Years ago when I used to see the young masters going off to their boarding schools … you too , I used to envy you all .
21 Do you think if I , do you think if I gave him a fright , s see the , time he says he 's going off to his granny 's and I say away you go , and my mam says she 's not taking him .
22 My purple stripy barrel-bag — it was small , it 'd look as if I was going off to my gran 's for the weekend .
23 As the wood is an 8,000-year-old oak wood only eight miles from the centre of London on a site of special scientific interest , could not the Department have done more to insist that the important new road going close to my constituency was cut-and-cover ?
24 Some parents complain that they feel rather awkward going up to their child , when ( for example ) she is not behaving badly , in order to say , ‘ You are painting so nicely , I really feel pleased ’ .
25 I mean , I do n't mind going up to their house , sitting down having a cup of tea and biscuit
26 Enormously impressed by this friendly , helpful girl , who did n't seem in the least like most receptionists she encountered , Ellie slid back the registration card , accepted her plastic key , gave one of her funny little smiles , and decided that before going up to her room she 'd better try and find Donal .
27 She was hardly aware of the car pulling up outside the house , or of going up to her bedroom , claiming that she was too exhausted to relax on the beach and enjoy the remainder of the sunshine .
28 And he loosed his grip suddenly , and stood back with an oath , his hand going up to his lip where blood appeared at the site of her teeth-marks .
29 They have n't decided yet whether my car is going up to his office or to fishing .
30 I said oh I said we 're going up to my mums .
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