Example sentences of "going [adv] [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It takes a crusading type like the Admiral to find out what 's going on and retain the desire to do something about it . ’
2 The neighbours and their children crowded around to see what was going on and to hear the conversation between Granny and Dad .
3 So make sure it 's safe , take your casualty from the cause , you may have to resuscitate , now if a person swallows something by mouth , there 's two types of poisons , one can go by mouth and one is er corrosive and the other is non-corrosive , but at the same time you have a liquid or tablets , now if it 's a corrosive liquid that you have swallowed or somebody has swallowed , it 's burning as it 's going down , and may I say in first aid you never ever on any circumstances make anybody sick er especially poisons , can you imagine if it 's burnt going down it 's probably perforated the food pipe and somebody comes along and overdoses on the water , because you can give sips of water for corrosive , well it 's because you 're trying to keep the airway open , if it 's burning , corrosive is burning you 'll get swelling , so this is why you give sips of water , but if you give too much your casualty will be sick and if it 's burnt going down and perforated the tubes and they 're bringing it up again it 's gon na burn coming up and go into those perforations that and cause further damage .
4 But he said there is a gang going round , and some are putting the chimneys on and the others are going in and doing the flues .
5 But , in this case , we must suppose that he was both immoral and stupid : immoral in producing evidence which he knew to be forged , and stupid in not going further and producing the letters with their forged additions , for he would have known that a similar forgery supporting the monastic community at Canterbury had recently been submitted at Rome , and that it had been accepted and solemnly quoted to him by the pope as genuine .
6 David did n't think it was a good idea but I said we could n't keep going out and using the phone box down the road .
7 For a moment he thought of going out and joining the moon-walkers .
8 Yeah it is , it 's going out and doing the business as well but it 's got ta have a lot more intellectual input er in you know in terms of having a having a greater insight into how a company works , how an airline operates , how the marketing department operates and so forth .
9 I think I can say that during my career most of the things I 've decided ought to be done , I 've got done , but I 've done them in very different ways to other people and sometimes I 've been criticised for not going out and grabbing the headlines .
10 what 's your justification for going out and killing the tyrant ?
11 Because if you if you if that 's all it is then you 're just going through the motions , you 're not actually going ahead and receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation .
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