Example sentences of "going [adv] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , I would n't let you , you 'd say thank you very much , the fees are this price , and I 'd like a nice flat of my own with carpets going right up to the wall and no counting how much electric fire we use . ’
2 Your going right up to the top are n't you ?
3 at this point here and going right down to the final A of ANNA and the way you can , you can , cos you 're gon na step in mid way now and you assume that the appropriate sociability has set the rapport has been built and you start the role play by saying thanks very much for that , I now wan na talk about whatever your product is , yeah , and then step into role play that way ?
4 Going on down to the house with a posy of cowslips , she was aware of that rare feeling of happiness that comes with youth and the first stirrings of love .
5 Nebozízek seemed to be the only stop the funicular made before going on down to the bottom of the hill .
6 ‘ I remember to this day coming out after tea at Jo'burg , 1948-49 , going down on to the ground with Len ; vast crowd , and this fellow comes out of it and says ‘ only 30 more for the record , boys ’ .
7 For the duration of the war , British and American diplomats performed a nerve-racking balancing act , providing just enough credit and material aid ( especially grain and petroleum ) to prevent Franco from going over completely to the Axis , but not so much as to enable him to become strong enough to dispense with maintaining relations with them .
8 For the latest , we 're going over live to the meeting , and our reporter Nick Clark .
9 I thought , you know , nothing 's happening locally , so I 'm going off down to the pub for a noggin , noggin a lert .
10 He had the merit of going always straight to the point — what is best for Christianity in England ? and besides that the scruples of air marshals , or the wishes of the Dean of York , or the comfort of Bell , or the scholarship of Ramsey , are nothing .
11 All kinds of signals going up there to the score board .
12 ‘ I 'm going straight on to the Guide Hut through the West Wood . ’
13 We came out the , out the ferry port and you 're alright going straight on to the boat , it 's when you 've got ta turn right .
14 So you 're going straight on to the football are you ?
15 Hit through the ball , keep the left hand going straight through to the end of stroke , and allow the right hand to do the hitting .
16 erm Oh definitely yes , I mean when we 're trying to play passes over the top of their defence and they 're getting cut or they 're going straight through to the goalkeeper , it 's very frustrating for us , but really it 's just a case of plugging away and trying to get things to come right .
17 I 'd been on duty in the Met Office since 8am , and managed to comb my hair and put on some lipstick before going straight down to the dance with June , one of the other Met Waafs .
18 He 's off on one of his jaunts with Sexy Lexy , and then they 're going straight down to the country for the weekend .
19 Involuntarily she found herself going out on to the balcony for air , rather than clearing a space to sit .
20 But for Balbir , as for the majority of Asian girls who have turned to prostitution , they still think that it is too degrading for them to consider going out on to the streets .
21 ‘ You said you 'd be here at four , ’ Ashley protested , going out on to the terrace .
22 One , one er stress in my , on what happens so that , that it 's companying it 's been manufacturing leg irons that 's been going out there to the Nile , has n't it , was n't it to .
23 Well that 's just what it looks like here you just eating al fresco and going back up to the chateau at a night
24 Perhaps going back again to the quality of life , was it a a release valve for the frustration of the places ?
25 But going back again to the
26 Corden said he would consider going back on to the board if a new chairman extended an invitation .
27 Well , we are going back now to the days of the hand joiner 's shop , when mouldings were scribed ( not routered ! ) and tenons cut with the rip saw .
28 now the best of the timber he had Gottonam Peters , the builders that were , I mean they were building a lot then and I 'm going back now to the fifties and the sixties Gottonam Peters they 'd done a lot of building in Upton in Chester and erm , developments er expect building sort of thing and er , they used to buy in all the three by twos and four by threes that he could get , the good ones second hand
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