Example sentences of "going [adv] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 The Berg , with all its elusive nuances and its stormy outbursts ( in the orchestra as well as in the solo part ) , is graphically outlined here , with the weight and support of palpable involvement in what is going on emotionally in the music 's undercurrents .
2 Bill Baudelaire would n't be calmly eating dinner with his daughter if there were a multi-horse crisis going on over in the racecourse stables .
3 ‘ We know there are individual trusts with smaller turnovers than ours and mergers with acute services are going on elsewhere in the country , ’ he said .
4 Mr Ibuka , a honorary chairman , popped into the room , saw this and remembered a project on developing lightweight portable headphones going on elsewhere in the building .
5 If he then writes a monograph about a " tribe " or a " people " or a " social system " and he wants to be recognized as a scientist rather than as an artist , he is under pressure to persuade himself ( and his readers ) that the events which he saw happening before his eyes were " typical " of what might be going on elsewhere in the system .
6 We train the staff to know how to do their job , and we tell them what is going on elsewhere in the Hotel .
7 The drama might be unfocused , but we can now ask each group to look at the others ' work as examples of what 's going on elsewhere in the street .
8 ‘ There 's always something going on here in the evenings .
9 I think that 's a a lamentable state of affairs , and their children , and their children 's children are going to have to pay the price for the short-sightedness that 's going on now in the ivory towers of the of the city , the the banking institutions and the financial institutions of the country .
10 But most of the work is going on actually in the auditorium where they 're stripping out all the wood er and putting in great big holes where they can put the fire exits in .
11 I was not angry or upset so much as concerned by the lads going so far in the wrong direction .
12 so that 's what I 'm saying not this Wednesday but next Wednesday I 'll be going down straight in the morning
13 I 've got to do javelin and I do n't like going down there in the wet .
14 Going home later in the afternoon , Matthew said , " Unfortunately I 'm going out this evening , otherwise we might have had dinner together . "
15 Tess was going further on in the carriage .
16 ‘ I 'm going up there in the daytime , ’ the Captain said .
17 The delay had been caused by one set of papers going temporarily astray in the post .
18 1 Winston walks 1¾ km to school and the same distance going back home in the afternoon .
19 The four healthy children lay sound asleep , their breaths coming and going almost visibly in the light from the street lamp that came through the flowered cotton curtains .
20 If we make up a helical coil ( Fig. 4.2(b) ) the wires are going round always in the same direction so the voltages simply add and we may rewrite eqn ( 4.13 ) in the form
21 In fact , she did possess mettle , though going round alone in the jeep was — I believe — just feminine carelessness , like the terrible state she 'd leave her room in for her maid : powder everywhere , pink for face , white for body ; her long , strong , glossy hairs in the sink , so you would have thought the orang-utan had been availing himself of the facilities and not a pretty young woman of thirty-one .
22 ‘ Things might not be going too well in the League for them — but strange things have happened in Cup matches . ’
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