Example sentences of "us [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We never considered giving up our work with the chimps when the children were born , but it would not have been possible for us to continue without the help of the Africans — I always had two men employed to take care of the children when I went with Christophe into the forest . ’
2 The men did n't like us to sit on the platform .
3 It was just warm enough for us to sit at the table outside and drink cool wine in the fading sun .
4 He told us to sit by the fire .
5 Eadred invited us to sit round the table .
6 This was Madge , who made costumes for the rest of us to wear at the party nights .
7 He is near enough for his bulk to cut out the reflection of the sky and so his own reflection does not reproduce his colours but allows us to see into the water .
8 In the words of his 1906 paper , ‘ the seismograph enables us to see into the earth and to determine its nature … as if we could drive a tunnel through it . ’
9 Cos she showed up , a lot of them show tendency at home or er say some of the ones she 's just asked us to see in the office anyway .
10 There was , however , no necessity for us to go down the hill for water , for if we continued a little further we should find a good spring on the road .
11 It 's been a godsend for us to go down the street shopping , if you 've got a load of shopping you just stop right outside the gate .
12 We went to bed — she was going to catch a plane and Dad said it was too late for us to go to the airport .
13 ‘ No-one wanted us to go to the spot where he died it 's right in the middle of what they call ‘ bandit ’ territory .
14 Do you want us to go to the store ?
15 It was rare for us to go into the city together .
16 Then he told us to go into the hospital where the nurse would show us what to do .
17 As for the connection between his father 's lauded status as an artist and the activities of the Fundació , Miquel Tàpies is also committed to establishing a distinct identity : ‘ It 's important for us to go beyond the name ’ .
18 Thank you , Father , for the fellowship that you want us to enjoy in the church .
19 Rather than treat the indenting of the first line of a paragraph as simply some cosmetic device , as Longacre ( 1979 ) does , we might look upon it as an indication by a writer of what he intends us to treat as the beginning of a new part of his text .
20 O God our Father , help us to nail to the Cross of
21 It would help us to plan for the future if you would be so kind as to take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire .
22 And some allow us to indulge in the fantasy of living in an expensive house with lots of servants .
23 to me that it would be perverse of us to fall into the trap if we were to do so of endorsing Policy E two and not know that what we were endorsing was in fact what the Secretary of State specifically rejected on the grounds perhaps that it was unduly restricted or detailed or inappropriate for some of those other reasons that are set out in the earlier part of that notice of approval .
24 We can make fear choices , which lead us to cling to the past — ‘ I hate my job , but I wo n't find anything better , so I 'd better stick to it ’ , ‘ I always eat hamburger and chips on Thursdays ’ , ‘ I 'd like to know Chris better , but I 'm sure s/he wo n't be interested in me ’ — or growth choices , in which we reach for the future — ‘ I hate my job , so I 'll start applying for others , even though it feels scary ’ , ‘ Maybe I 'll try spaghetti bolognese tonight ’ , ‘ What have I got to lose ?
25 It makes us feel guilty , resentful and anxious , and encourages us to cling to the past .
26 If it is so for choices of means it is so for choices of ends ; and it is one of the greatest temptations to irrationality that nothing compels us to acknowledge in the realm of ends what we can not afford to deny in the realm of means .
27 At dusk , it has not been unknown for us to traipse round the dykeside field boundaries collecting slugs , a pretty grisly business .
28 The co-operation and rapid response of staff to the assessment procedure has been greatly appreciated , and will enable us to proceed with the implementation of the Directive with all of the necessary facts to hand .
29 That is the dynamic , historical revelation of the Father 's love , which draws us into the community of faith and sets us to work in the service of the kingdom .
30 It is easy for us to slip into the assumption that the institutional , professional and curricular structures with which we are familiar are somehow natural or inevitable .
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