Example sentences of "us [adv] [verb] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 … she call us in to do 'er dirty work for her , build 'er up , she wants us out again 'cos she see that we 're gettin' education and we 're gettin' brainy , and we 're comin' into power so she wants us all out before we reach too high .
2 Those benefits may be continued for a long succession of generations upon deserving objects , let us strenuously support our own undertaking : and may our children , and our children 's children feel an ardour even greater than our own in the cause of humanity ; so that as long as the County of Bedford exists , its Infirmary may be one of the chief objects of care , and one of the principal sources of its honest pride . ’
3 But anyway , I do n't think they came after us just to get their little fee . ’
4 I believe the readers ads fulfil a necessary part of the market , but let us not forget our local and national dealers .
5 By all means let us seek to prevent congenital abnormalities , but let us not betray our Hippocratic tradition in the process .
6 Frankly , we have a problem with absence from work due to out of hours emergency work and sickness , which can put us off using our own people !
7 With thoughts of conservation I can understand this but then one must understand the times when these were being worked and in the 19th and early 20th century this chalk gave a great many people employment and allowed families to be brought up in reasonably comfortable conditions and many of us now owe our very existance to these cement factories , our fathers and grandfathers earning their livings working on them .
8 yet without answers to these questions and others like them , it is impossible for us fully to understand our own history and , more importantly , impossible to advise today 's emergent nations on the routes they should be following .
9 But I do not like to say much about Islay ; let us therefore remount our primitive carriage .
10 But I do not like to say much about Islay ; let us therefore remount our primitive carriage .
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