Example sentences of "where do [pers pn] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It 's floating , it wo n't sink will it , so where do we put that one ?
2 Where do we get that from
3 Where do they find that ?
4 Yeah well , there was n't many shops there really dear , there were just the er fishmongers and greengrocers and the butchers and the , we used to have to go there to get , to queue up , you had to queue because there was no , not many shops to be there you see to serve you , it 's altered a lot now , there 's a lot more shops now and the doctors I used to have to queue right out the gate , the doctors a big long queue , there was only Dr surgery and then we had another doctor came that started down at erm the bottom of erm Harlow near where , where do they call that ?
5 Where do you carry that damned candle you always leave at your crimes ? ’
6 I mean where do you think that line should be drawn ?
7 Well when he , I said where do you get that from ?
8 Where do you get that from then ?
9 Where do you get that
10 Where do you get that lipstick from over there ?
11 Where do you get that from ?
12 Where do you get that from ?
13 Where do you get that from ?
14 Where do you get that then ?
15 Where do you learn that then Graham ?
16 We 're not getting no where do you know that ?
17 Well where do you find that ?
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