Example sentences of "government had [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The British Government had cut the overseas aid budget by more money than the two charities had ever raised in their entire histories — and neither the media nor the general public had produced a murmur of protest .
2 It was reported on March 14 , 1990 , that the government had recognized the Panamanian government of Guillermo Endara and would be restoring diplomatic relations .
3 In 1655 an expedition was sent out to attack Hispaniola ( San Domingo ) ; this was the first time the English government had sent a naval expedition to seize the colonies of another European nation , and lack of experience led to lack of success .
4 Local government was allocated these responsibilities with great reluctance only after the government had explored every other possibility .
5 The government was placed under considerable pressure to persuade the electorate to vote in favour of lifting restrictions on travel and information by a judgment in the European Court of Human Rights ; on Oct. 29 the court ruled that the Irish government had breached the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms when in 1988 its Supreme Court ordered two counselling services to stop giving information about the availability of abortions in the United Kingdom .
6 But it said that to get at the root of the problem the Government had to tackle the whole issue of deprivation .
7 The women 's victory in 1918 was unspectacular and came about primarily because the government had to update the electoral register to include those serving in the armed forces .
8 An Egyptian military spokesman said the government had received no official notification of the reported negotiations on the sale , but is interested in obtaining further confirmation .
9 The IMF had frozen co-operation with Poland during 1991 because the government had exceeded the agreed limits on inflation and the budget deficit [ see p .
10 Meciar 's government had rejected an economic programme drawn up by Deputy Premier Jozef Kucerak which followed the reform strategy of the federal government , creating fears among Meciar 's critics that Slovakia 's economy would lag behind that of the Czech Lands .
11 Hernando de Soto 's ( 1989 ) study of Peru concluded that government had created a large and costly informal economy by insisting on licenses for everything from building a house or driving a taxi , to starting a shop or business .
12 Birmingham-based BSA Tools boss Keith Bailey , 57 , claimed outside court that the Government had given a clear message it wanted to trade with Saddam 's regime .
13 All-India Radio reported on May 15 that the Assam government had invoked the National Security Act ( NSA ) for three months " as a precautionary measure " in view of the elections in the state in June .
14 The Government had asked an outside and unfriendly body to make recommendations upon one of the most sensitive areas of politics .
15 In 1920 it routed a Polish army to the suburbs of Warsaw and at the end of the following year launched an invasion of the Menshevik Republic of Georgia after its government had quelled an internal Bolshevik uprising .
16 But in the space of less than eighteen months the government had curtailed the nuclear programme and sent the FBR into a dormancy hard to distinguish from a death coma .
17 The ANC secretary-general , Cyril Ramaphosa , said the government had made a major concession on the issue of devolution of power to regional governments .
18 In the poor north-eastern part of Brazil infant mortality went up by 20 per cent between 1982 and 1984 , even though the Brazilian government had made a special effort to establish more health-care facilities during the same period .
19 But both authors recognise that experience in office in the coalition government had made the Labour leaders more cautious than they would otherwise have been : Dr Marwick comments that ‘ Middle-class radicalism and official trade unionism were much stronger influences than left-wing Socialism ’ , and Dr Addison speaks of an ‘ Attlee consensus ’ to which the Conservatives , when they returned to office in 1951 , also subscribed .
20 At the time it seemed as if the government had crushed the nationalist movement by locking up its leaders for life .
21 Instead , the Government had supported a daily press in Dar es Salaam , which catered for a relatively small and mainly urban readership .
22 The government had promised a White Paper on inner cities , but in March 1988 it produced instead a thirty-two page glossy colour brochure , Action for Cities , and twelve separate press releases .
23 The government had held a one-seat majority in the Fono as elected in 1988 [ see p. 36098 ] .
24 When the Government had agreed the appropriate NVQ , there would be a need for the tutors and assessors in the workplace .
25 Torgyan said that the government had betrayed the anti-communist revolution , and called for its resignation , while demonstrators also protested over high unemployment and inflation .
26 The Labour Party 's executive committee stressed after a Feb. 22 meeting that the government had to make a clear decision on the formula within two to three weeks , otherwise it would be forced to end the coalition .
27 In his annual report to the Supreme Soviet Matiukhin said that he had resigned because ( i ) the government had taken no effective steps to solve the cash shortage ; ( ii ) inter-enterprise debt stood at 2,000,000 million roubles for which the Bank was criticized although it was following government policy ; and ( iii ) the Supreme Soviet was demanding a reduction of the 80 per cent interest rate to 50 per cent .
28 It also insisted that the North Korean government had to accept the full list of names and guarantee the safe return of all who made the trip .
29 The Iraqi government had released the previous week the transcript of a July 25 meeting between Saddam Hussein and the US ambassador to Iraq , April Glaspie , in which she told him that the US " has no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts like your border disagreement with Kuwait " .
30 UN officials were quoted as saying that the Sudanese government had allowed the international relief operation to be recommenced following pressure from donor governments .
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