Example sentences of "government for [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend may know that I have made the views of the Government and of Members of Parliament well known to the Kenyan Government for a long time .
2 Mr Morris added : ‘ We have pressed the Government for a long time to have a look at the hill farming situation .
3 For the Liberals , they gained an indirect foothold in government for the first time since 1931 in peacetime circumstances , and it flattered their self-esteem as a small third force to become part of the governing process .
4 But as the Labour parliamentary front bench scents the thaw , and surveys the possibility of government for the first time in a decade , the party pressures running in favour of detente are increasing .
5 These sharp increases will contrast with below-inflation rent rises of 95 pence a week in about 156 local authority areas , as the Government for the first time moves away from a single national rents policy for the 4.5 million council tenants in England .
6 The Christian Democrats got only 38.7% of the vote , against 45.1% four years ago , and are being booted out of the government for the first time since the state was founded 45 years ago .
7 Introduced by the government for the first time in the Local Government Bill , the county consists of only two districts and is dominated by Cardiff which at the time contained ‘ just about the only pocket of Conservative Party strength in south Wales ’ ( Wond 1976 : 127 ) .
8 President Reagan openly backs the Contra guerillas against the Nicaraguan Sandinista Government for the first time .
9 On March 18 , the United Kingdom government for the first time gave permission for 375 relatives of Argentinian soldiers killed in the 1982 Falklands war to visit their graves on the islands .
10 Labour Party members had taken part in government for the first time under the wartime coalition of Lloyd George and with the support of the party 's National Executive Committee .
11 Conservative commentators are urging Republicans to stage an all-out attack on Mr Clinton as an old-fashioned ‘ tax-and-spend ’ liberal , locked out of government for the first time since 1981 ,
12 On July 10 the President then dissolved the entire transitional government for the second time and named a third adminstration which excluded Mohamed Taki on July 16 [ for earlier administrations see pp. 38706-07 ; 38902 ] .
13 At the October election that year , the Sun advocated a non-Tory government for the last time .
14 At a time when the British electorate has elected a Conservative government for the third time on the basis of a minority of the votes cast it is additionally important to add to this examination of the impact of ‘ the voice of the people ’ upon social policy determination the observation that our ‘ first past the post ’ electoral system can convey a very ambiguous message .
15 Gro Harlem Brundtland , the leader of the Norwegian Labour Party ( DNA ) , returned to office on Nov. 3 , heading a minority government for the third time .
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