Example sentences of "work have be done [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Less work has been done with animal models , but recent work from India has shown that some homoeopathic remedies in various potencies displayed anti-viral activity in developing chick embryos , whereas other remedies had no anti-viral effect in mice .
2 Schools that have had an HMI inspection have found that much of their work has been done for them — though it is difficult to imagine that schools will therefore be applying in large numbers for a full inspection !
3 This works even better when you pre-tag the text so that when the document is read into the page makeup program all the basic work has been done for you .
4 Much PCR work has been done for rotavirus , adenovirus , and other causes of diarrhoea .
5 In many cases some of the work has been done for you by previous scholars ; so , for example there is a book called Allusions in Ulysses ( which lists allusions made in James Joyce 's novel Ulysses ) .
6 Much of this work has been done for the larger national and international companies .
7 Some of his more notable work has been done on music videos , a form he is far from despising .
8 It has been extensively investigated for large mammals ( Brain , 1958 , 1974 , 1981 ; Voorhies , 1969 ; Sutcliff , 1970 ; Behrensmeyer , 1975 ; Klein , 1975 ; Hill , 1975 ; Shipman , 1977 , 1983a ; Behrensmeyer & Hill , 1980 ; Binford , 1981 ) , but little work has been done on small mammals .
9 Significant amounts of gas may have been generated , and it would be interesting to know whether geochemical work has been done on the gases found in Jurassic reservoirs to see whether any Palaeozoic contributions are present .
10 Experimental work has been done on other human joints but there is nothing which tells us about , for example , the impedance of the wrist .
11 Though a certain amount of work has been done on the history of Africa 's media , there is room for research on a far larger scale .
12 Yet little systematic work has been done on such alternative formats , nor on the religious symbols employed by them .
13 More work has been done on cross-hole seismic tomographic systems in collaboration with CEDEX : a high-power spark source and matched active receivers are now available for use in difficult environments .
14 Since then little work has been done on the loco by the small group of owners who like everyone else have been hampered by lack of funds .
15 Some work has been done on monkeys with restricted visual cortex ablations ( Mohter and Wurtz 1977 ; Weiskrantz and Cowey 1970 ) and , in these , it has been shown that the ability to detect light flashes and make saccadic eye movements to fixate stimuli within the blind field is retained .
16 However , little work has been done on , for example , the ethical foundations of the public service model of broadcasting , or the basic ethical guidelines for policy formation .
17 Many relinquishing mothers ( little work has been done on fathers ) do not appear to be reconciled to the adoption — 62 per cent of birth parents ' referrals to the PAC concerned a search for their child .
18 Here again , a large amount of work has been done on the analysis of written discourse for students of ESP and EAP ( see , for example , Selinker , Tarone , and Hanzeli 1981 ) , but there is no reason why the same techniques can not be applied more widely to the production and processing of writing of more general interest .
19 Not only does this lie at the heart of current government policies on higher education , but a good deal of empirical work has been done on it , particularly on the relationship between higher education and initial employment .
20 What is surprising is that so few feminist researchers in the sociology of education have chosen to look at higher education , when so much work has been done on secondary education and , to a lesser extent , on primary education .
21 Another reason why the relation of demes to city is now seen differently , and why demes now seem more important , is simply that more archaeological work has been done on deme sites .
22 As a second , hypothetical example , suppose that I was keen to make some contribution to human physiology or anatomy , and suppose I noted that very little work has been done on the weight of human earlobes .
23 All these studies acknowledge that Mills and Boon is a ‘ phenomenon in publishing ’ but little work has been done on the marketing and production side of a phenomenon which claimed a readership of 250 million worldwide during 1984 .
24 There is , admittedly , a long tradition both in linguistics and in literary studies of analysing the works of individual writers , particularly literary writers , but relatively little work has been done on such areas of text studies as the conventions of non-literary writing within a community or the preferred patterns of organization in different types of discourse .
25 The harmful effects of unemployment on mental and physical health are well established , although much less work has been done on the effectiveness of various interventions .
26 Tourism and its influence on the environment is clearly of great interest to CPRW , however no recent work has been done on the subject .
27 All the Okapi work has been done on systems which have been developed at least to a point where they are reliable and complete enough to be installed in a library unattended .
28 Work has been done on contamination of fish and water and air , but little has been done to study it 's effect on the human population .
29 Considerable work has been done on arrangements , not only for accommodation but for the resettlement of those who will be leaving the service in the course of the rundown .
30 Much work has been done on children 's understanding of how a person 's beliefs determine that person 's actions , but less is known about their conception of the role of motivation in action .
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