Example sentences of "work [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Young men who take clerical work as the first step in a management career can be considered middle class .
2 The rather handsome Perpendicular church of St Andrew in Curry Rivel where the ceremony took place was soon to become a familiar enough place for Benjamin , as he took over as its organist to complement his work as the local headmaster .
3 Your son-in-law has been sleeping with this girl at work for the best part of 11 years and presumably he 's been having his conjugals in the matrimonial bed , too .
4 Local children were very keen to get work for the long season at Blackpool .
5 Kenrick Wynne-Jones set up one of the first and best organised of them in Newcastle Wynne-Jones 's work for the Labour Party , added to his success as a chemist , made him a clear choice as a working member of the House of Lords .
6 It is an image not of the ‘ feminine ’ sphere of middle class domestic virtue , but of the ever-present outer world of work for the working class child and the mother .
7 In general , however , his contribution to the cinema has been disappointing compared with his work for the legitimate theatre and the opera house .
8 Off-farm work for the part-time farmer was equally divided — one acted as a farm worker on a neighbouring farm and one was in urban employment .
9 Her work for the early suffrage campaigns also began in the mid-1870s , when she lectured widely for the cause in London , Manchester , Birmingham , and elsewhere .
10 They fear drainage work for the 10 acre development could dry out Brinkburn Pond , destroying the thriving community of Greater Crested Newts , a protected species .
11 In addition to their work for the Fabian Society and the Labour party , and the prodigious nature of their social inquiry work , they were responsible for founding — as institutional outlets for their ideas — the London School of Economics in 1895 and the New Statesman in 1913 .
12 Mary has recently finished a huge work for the Imperial War Museum ( IWM ) at Duxford charting the history of the airfield with the badges of all units — other than those transiting — RAF and USAAF — faithfully produced .
13 The work for the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland , which is wholly commissioned by the Department of Economic Development , is carried out from Belfast .
14 This institute , with over 150 researchers , does a lot of work for the federal government : it specialises in data , not policy recommendations .
15 Among these are four who have started working for Canan , a commercial arm of the Gaelic College based at Bahal Mor Mostaig on Skye which provides media translation , subtitling and transcription services and other support , including work for the Gaelic TV output of ITV and independents selling to it and the BBC .
16 ‘ What is needed now is determination , vision and the will to make EDI work for the collective benefit of the trade . ’
17 Gregory 's Pastoral Care said nothing about this aspect of a bishop 's work for the good reason that jurisdictions such as that claimed by Canterbury did not exist in his day .
18 Perhaps those advising Mr Lamont consider the objective has been achieved by the high drilling success rates in recent years and there are enough oil and gas finds to sustain development work for the immediate future .
19 On his return to Trinidad in 1948 , Eric Williams almost immediately got involved in public appearances at which he gave his opinions on historical topics concerning the West Indies and while his work for the Caribbean Commission strictly forbade any political involvement , it did not prevent him from opening a window on the West Indian past .
20 The question may have niggled at the 7,776 advertising talents who entered their work for the prestigious Design & Art Direction Awards , some of whom will turn up tonight at a glittering Grosvenor House junket to find out whether they have won one of the silver or gold pencils .
21 Two Pantograph cars in the post-1937 cream livery pass in Dickson Road during demolition work for the new Odeon cinema opened in 1939 .
22 It was in their interests to make work for the dental profession and sell vitamin C , not to let it get about that simply by keeping their hands where they ought to be young people could have healthy teeth and gums for life .
23 They gave him a bit of consultancy work for the first year , but after that he did n't know what he would do .
24 ‘ From a planning point of view it would not have been a major worry , although only the force staging the original tie could police the second replay because all the liaison work for the first match would have been done .
25 The enclosed questionnaire is part of the work for the first aim .
26 This enabled some major figures to show work for the first time .
27 With her teenage son on the brink of independence , Pamela Constantinides has returned to full-time work for the first time in 16 years .
28 A new leaflet aimed at young people starting work for the first time has been produced by the Inland Revenue .
29 The only thing these artists have in common is their gallery of origin the Bachelier-Cardonsky of Kent , Connecticut , USA which has sent their work for the first time ever to Paris where it can be seen at Gianna Sistu for a month .
30 Then , fortified by a visit to the ‘ Manet and the Post-Impressionists ’ exhibition at the Grafton Galleries ( 1910 ) , where he saw Cézanne 's work for the first time , Bomberg entered the Slade School of Art in London with the aid of a much-needed loan from the Jewish Education Aid Society .
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