Example sentences of "here [is] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the techniques he uses here is to diagram the organization of the discourse in terms of topic and function , as shown in the extract below .
2 For here is played the parable of predestination , here the inherent changes and chances of life are put into focus .
3 The aim here is to give the flavour of the key developments in this period as part of the history of social policy .
4 The attempt here is to highlight the inadequacy of the present legal approach where it is assumed that selling on credit , or leasing for the useful life of the equipment is not lending , and that reservation of title on sale does not constitute the creation of a security interest but is merely an agreement as to the time at which the property should pass to the buyer .
5 When the river is in flood and the ‘ Mill Meadow ’ in front of the house is under water , the only way to reach the village from here is to use the flood path , which crosses right next to the farm on flood boards , spanning the gap between the churchyard and farmyard wall .
6 Answer guide : The intention here is to reinforce the idea that costs of one period may be expenses of another period .
7 The trap to be avoided here is to turn the exercise into another source of demand by forcing yourself to go faster every day , swearing that you are going to beat your partner next time , or overdoing it with the weights .
8 What they seem to do instead here is to stress the importance of certain areas , and de-emphasise others , depending on whether they think this will gain them votes or not .
9 Certainly one can agree with para. 3(b) ; and a further point here is to promote the use of warning devices viz. a bell or a hooter .
10 The attempt here is to answer the question ‘ which is the ‘ real ’ problem/failure/fault ? ’ as in many cases the facts/symptoms could be misleading .
11 The issue here is to persuade the owner that maintenance is essential and to assist in carrying it out .
12 There is a very large body of literature on the above questions and our aim here is to provide the student with some of the basic knowledge required in order to study this literature .
13 And the underlying here is to provide the control and reliab
14 My Lords , erm the , the th the most I think perhaps er th th th the Noble Lord , Lor Lord erm referred to my amendments and particularly to Amendment twenty-one which I share with I share certainly share this view with him that that is probably the most important of the ones which is which er I am concerned and to which I put my name and also I do n't think it necessary at this stage to add to my remarks , but I do believe that the that the overwhelming need here is to strengthen the representation of elected erm members on police authorities and to er walk er to tear away from the trend as I see it which is in which is erm the er my Right Honourable Friend , the Home Secretary has written into this Bill of increasing the power of the central Government .
15 Your main task here is to separate the content from the presentation .
16 As mentioned , Oakeshott 's objective here is to identify the nature of philosophy .
17 The work suggested here is to enhance the writer 's awareness and promote discussion .
18 The object here is to make the model fly as smoothly as possible and , ideally , the control movements should be set to the absolute minimum , while the gyro gain should be as high as possible .
19 A trick here is to bunch the braid .
20 This machine here is doing the work that was done last year by twelve men . ’
21 One obvious possibility here is to regard the union Parliament as representative of all parties and thus as empowered to vary the terms of union — nothing more than a rationalisation of its sovereignty .
22 In law to enter a plea in bar has several meanings ; the relevant one here is to prevent the advancement of a claim by a litigating party by showing cause why it should be set aside .
23 The key issue here is to establish the need for recording as the only accurate method of detecting change ( good or bad ) in a child 's behaviour .
24 The aim here is to determine the effect of such interactive facilities on the doctor-patient relationship , patient attitudes , and the delivery of care .
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