Example sentences of "more than [adv] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been talking to OSF about just these kinds of things , and would ( of course ) , like to do more than simply participate in such an effort if it could , though the smoke signals from OSF read simply ‘ message received , ’ for the present .
2 No matter — Motian 's small groups have been ‘ led ’ by Frisell 's electric guitar since the 1980s and in practice , Evans 's complex Walkin' up , or the equally complex interplay of instruments and tempi in Five do more than simply survive with either guitar or saxophone ( or both ) leading .
3 But it should be kept in mind that the home visit , for reasons of either vocational guidance or after-care , was intended to do more than simply attend to the school-leaver , who was urged to ‘ put your shoulder to the wheel ’ in order ‘ to reduce to a minimum the number of inefficient citizens ’ .
4 Access to the king , however , implied more than just access to the fount of patronage ; it also implied the right to give advice on the business of the kingdom .
5 Evidence is mounting that weeds do more than just compete with crops for light and nutrients .
6 The latest Government proposals will do a lot more than just tinker with the existing liquor licensing laws in England and Wales , although the Scots will be pleased to hear that their licensing system is being used as the model for some of these proposed changes .
7 ( Aye , I thought , and I wager she does more than just work in the kitchen , but who am I to judge the poor man 's morals ?
8 These show since 1939 a more than twofold increase in arable land and a corresponding decline in permanent pasture .
9 The result was a more than twofold increase in the rate of locomotive production .
10 To put it at its highest , I was in no more than so-so shape by the time I reached Caduta 's .
11 Successful time management allows you to do more than merely cope with your study or your work in the office .
12 He 'd done no more than accidentally bump against some sailors aimlessly wandering from the passage next to the warehouse .
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