Example sentences of "more than [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 None of the libraries in this group had a staff establishment higher than 130 , so it appears to be the smaller authorities in particular who found it difficult to allocate more than largely nominal responsibility .
2 I still wanted to believe that he had been fooling me , or testing my credulousness in a more than averagely cruel manner .
3 We are concerned , then , with more than simply linguistic competence .
4 By Sunday evening , when it was time for them to leave and the three of them were piling into the Bentley , what she felt inside her , by any definition , was far more than simply sexual excitement .
5 It is precisely this capacity for renewed interpretation that makes literature of more than simply historical interest .
6 Diane had n't been a stunner , but she 'd had a pleasant face and a more than tolerably decent body .
7 This was a more than slightly retouched version of his record .
8 Yet the training provides more than just technical skill .
9 However , the value of a company is based on more than just short-term profitability .
10 Becoming the world 's foremost brewer takes more than just good business sense .
11 We believe it will take more than just gentle persuasion to bring an end to over-specification and waste .
12 We believe it will take more than just gentle persuasion to bring an end to over-specification and waste .
13 The public-interest objective is harder to reject , because it is eminently reasonable that public policy should be concerned with more than just economic efficiency , though it clearly generates considerable uncertainty for firms about what they may and may not do .
14 Harry Eyres discovers that the Grands Crus of Alsace are more than just reliable wine bar whites
15 It is important to bear in mind , however , that muscle tension can be the result of more than just bad posture or wrong use of the body .
16 But more than just physical damage had been incurred .
17 more than just physical reason I , I mean a lot of people are grossly overweight they , you know , people usually say oh it 's the
18 It 's more than just beautiful wrapping , more than lovely façades . ’
19 If so , we English Poundians , even as we castigate our countrymen for clinging to the norm of the amateur in an age when that norm is unserviceable , may well spare more than just wistful nostalgia for this ideal that survives among us only in a debased and anachronistic version .
20 More internal training emphasizes very clearly the importance of having a training co-ordinator , ( who has more than just nominal responsibility for training ) .
21 This is more than just instrumental self-aggrandizement , because this ‘ market forces ’ approach is an important ideological device in ‘ recommodification ’ , but the form of involvement is highly instrumental for many participants .
22 Somerset is more than just pretty scenery
23 Christina probed , certain now that Elaine was worried about more than just impending motherhood .
24 We are ‘ involved ’ in the most thoroughly mediated war in history but now more than ever vicarious contact with the front line via blanket news coverage fails to guarantee comprehensibility , still less access to the truth .
25 First there had been the stone tubs on the forecourt , a constant temptation to vandals who got a more than commonly satisfying kick from ravishing these particular flowers .
26 So many Britons whose lives were little more than hard unremitting toil would have used the licence of the festival to make fun of these imagined orgies , especially if they occurred in the great houses .
27 But a serious accident can cause far more than purely physical damage .
28 Another deme with more than purely parochial status was Piraeus , whose demarch was a state appointment ( Ath .
29 The results of the research will be of more than purely academic interest , insofar as the rigorous identification and description of the structure of the arms trade would appear to be a necessary prerequisite for any discussion of multi-lateral restraints .
30 Was this a more than merely temporary parting of the ways ?
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