Example sentences of "more and [adv] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So the arrangements were made with the White Star line and unbeknown to Nellie , Liam eventually did get two reservations on the new ship , which was brought down from Liverpool to Southampton , where most of the passengers got on , and then to Cherbourg to pick up some more and finally to Queenstown before crossing the Atlantic to New York .
2 The ability of modern technology to cope with the problem of soil erosion is summarised thus : ‘ Growing populations may in part have destroyed more land than they improved , but it makes little sense to project past trends into the future , since we know more and more about methods of land preservation and are able by means of modern methods , to reclaim much land , which our ancestors have made sterile . ’
3 It has just won an additional franchise in Germany and according to Elstone , the company will move more and more into Europe as the UK market continues to mature .
4 Without new taxing powers , local authorities would come to depend more and more on help from the National Exchequer and , since he who pays the piper calls the tune , the result must be even stronger central influence over local decisions .
5 Over the past few years , the industry has tended to lean more and more on contract labour .
6 As the world comes to depend more and more on telecommunications and computer networks , AT&T is striving ever harder to pre-empt or avoid the kinds of breakdowns that have plagued its long-distance network and caused chaos in parts of the US over the past couple of years .
7 It was perhaps because of this , and because I tried to foster the whole idea of positive thinking , that I began to concentrate more and more on visualization .
8 Hence we have come to rely more and more on books , classes and professional advice to tell us how to give birth and bring up children .
9 And it struck me straight away that although the twentieth century as it marched on made us look more and more like Americans , we are Europeans , we always have been Europeans , our roots are there , our culture 's there and of course in the late twentieth century our economic needs , and the geographical links , the electronic links mean that we are there whether we like it or not .
10 For as women delivered them from the sex obsession , men would become more and more like women .
11 As the years passed , he was beginning to sound more and more like Matthew Arnold — although Arnold was never quite able to practise what he preached .
12 Well , the work of the Spirit in the believer is supremely to transform us from one degree of glory to another : that is to say , to make us more and more like Christ .
13 Over generations secondary sexual characteristics caused males in general to differ more and more from females .
14 In the West we have bigger , warmer homes , more amusement , more communications ; we travel more and further for work and pleasure than every before .
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