Example sentences of "more [noun] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And rail watchdogs would like more improvements elsewhere as a matter of course .
2 The government started printing more money soon after the savings-freeze and inflation has picked up again .
3 In the recent election , politicians of all shades seemed reluctant to commit themselves to higher spending on aid , and there is more talk nowadays about the west 's obligations to nations emerging from communist dictatorship in eastern and central Europe .
4 OLD mates Graham Gooch and Keith Fletcher are just one more defeat away from a crisis that could seriously threaten their international partnership .
5 The dam 's main purpose was to provide hydroelectric power revenues to finance the building of more dams elsewhere in the Colorado River basin .
6 By economic necessity this pattern will have to be accommodated within a structure which is attuned to decentralisation so there will inevitably be more delegation even to the governors of the smaller schools .
7 No more meeting secretly in the wood in the dark , always in the dark .
8 Recall stewards , dressed in day-glo bibs , should be positioned 150 metres up the course with more officials further up the track as a fail-safe , he said .
9 Some patients failed to record data on one or more days either on the written record or the electronic record ( table I ) .
10 There 's no more security anywhere at the moment is there ?
11 The child receives no interest from the parent and so starts to behave in a way to gain more attention regardless of the fact that it is negative and unpleasant .
12 Until the eighteenth century it was common to house two , three or more corps together in the barn , but a later development was the use of half the barn for threshed straw , filling only one side of the threshing floor with unthreshed corn , and the emergence of this practice may have accompanied the increased use of ricks for housing crops or faster threshing by machinery .
13 The players froze , too , realizing that all escape from the yard was blocked by yet more plague-sufferers still on the bridge .
14 Soon the long , light evenings would be luring yet more customers away from the stuffy cinema .
15 Co-ownership entitles two or more persons concurrently to the possession and enjoyment of the same land .
16 ‘ Where a deposit is held for any person or for two or more persons jointly by a bare trustee , that person or , as the case may be , those persons jointly shall be treated as entitled to the deposit without the intervention of any trust .
17 Yeah , well they 're obviously more distance away from the key employers to they are n't so well located .
18 and there 's more news today on the incident in which scrum-half Hannaford fractured his eye socket … the Saracens number eight Barry Crawley who threw the punch in the league game last week has been suspended for three weeks …
19 An additional factor is that there are significantly more undergraduates nowadays in every year than there were in earlier generations .
20 Each craftsman was commissioned to produce one or more works especially for the exhibition , hence the tight schedule .
21 ‘ You get more air close to the ground , ’ said Angalo .
22 As more of us get opportunities to take one or more holidays abroad in the sun each year , the chances of getting a melanoma are increasing , say doctors .
23 And full credit to the visitors Portsmouth , they pushed more and more men forward as the game progressed and they almost snatched it towards the end .
24 To help you get a lot more information straight from the horse 's mouth ( and nose , and ears , and tail ) , Lucy Rees breaks you in gently to the basics of equine body language .
25 Sometimes we can get a good impression of the player but it might be necessary to take some more shots later in the studio .
26 The dotted lines show the expected mean level of the variables , and the levels at which there is a 5% and 1% probability of being exceeded by one or more bins somewhere within the whole periodogram .
27 After extensive market research , the BTIS is to embark on a programme of promotion aiming to convert more non-buyers away from the red meat and chicken camps to turkey .
28 it 's ab I think I said to you we 've got fifty , a good fifty-fifty split , if maybe not slightly more women actually on the course .
29 He made two more soundings further along the bank and got the same result for both .
30 Clearly , given the depths it has recently plumbed ( as shown in the Treasury survey above ) , there can not be much more downside even in the face of a tax-raising Budget .
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