Example sentences of "too [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Keeping a diary is still a profound method of studying daily life and one far too little utilised in sociology .
2 Actually , the ‘ embarrassment of riches ’ problem boils down to the same failing as that of the biological and personality-type theories : they both produced categories that were , apparently , far too weakly related to crime to be worthy of a ‘ positivist ’ discipline .
3 Women whose ovaries produce too much suffer from hair on the face and chest , which they find very upsetting .
4 If we look at industrial work it can be seen that it tends to be too much dominated by part tasks in that the worker is not involved with the delivery of the whole product but with a small component of it and even , at times , with a particular operation on that small component .
5 We need only recognize that history is a method with no distinct object corresponding to it to reject the equivalence between the notion of history and the notion of humanity which some have tried to foist on us with the unavowed aim of making historicity the last refuge of a transcendental humanism : as if men could regain the illusion of liberty on the plane of the ‘ we ’ merely by giving up the ‘ I 's that are too obviously wanting in consistency .
6 Paul replied that he wished to see Mr Lamprey ; the name had intrigued him , but now he was too greatly assailed by nervousness to perceive humour in anything .
7 It is high time to abandon that caricature , too long perpetuated by dictionary definitions such as the one you quote from Chambers , both for the sake of historical justice and because , in the present as in the past , anti-Pharisaism and anti-Judaism have a nasty way of feeding on each other .
8 To quote one of your letter writers : ‘ It is high time to abandon that caricature , too long perpetuated by dictionary definitions ’ .
9 The emotions give warmth and feeling , but through them factual perception and logic are all too easily ruled by imagination .
10 They are all too easily consumed to excess , and thus may lead to obesity .
11 Certainly , the complex set up in the city meant that the bishop , appointed in the time of Sigibert , was only too easily suspected of treason by Guntram — and the arrival of Gundovald clearly did not help matters .
12 Nationalism , as history demonstrates , is a crude , blunt force , too easily convertible into bitterness and selfishness , too easily manipulated into intolerance and too easily transformed into introspection .
13 It could only too easily lead to acquiescence in the evil done by the powers of this world .
14 Nationalism , as history demonstrates , is a crude , blunt force , too easily convertible into bitterness and selfishness , too easily manipulated into intolerance and too easily transformed into introspection .
15 The relative thinness of the body lacks strength , and the great depth , even with the stabilising dorsal and anal fin , cause it to be too easily thrown off balance .
16 The key to reaping these benefits is clearly good organisation and ensuring that the in-house forum does n't all too easily degenerate into office politics , tittle-tattle and administration .
17 Why should I say , ‘ T is yet too soon To seek for heav'n , or think of death ? ’
18 " Englishing " sets store by faithfulness to the content and general structure of the poem ; does not oblige the translator to reproduce the prosody of the original , but does require the choice of something considered to be a metrical equivalent ; allows the translator some licence in supplying figures , metaphors , etc. , in compensation for those too deeply rooted for transplantation from the original language ; relates the translation to current notions of poetic language and form ( as , for example , Dr Johnson chose to put Horace into rhymed couplets , but C.S. Calverley , a contemporary of Tennyson , considered the " In Memoriam " stanza the most effective equivalent ) ; offers , consequently , something to be considered both as a poem from the original and as an original poem ; and attempts , in the widest sense , to place the adopted poem in the nurturing environment of the adoptive culture .
19 During the temperature and pressure increases through burial and during migration of pore waters , many previously-stable minerals , or minerals which were deposited and buried too rapidly to become in equilibrium with surface temperatures and pressures , are brought into a regime where they are unstable in the prevailing conditions .
20 Stocking too quickly leads to disease and deaths , as the biological filter can not cope with the load .
21 His eyes were grey-green , like Finn 's , but had warm brown flecks in them and looked straight and candid ahead , as though they saw too directly to look from side to side .
22 This is a matter which can not be too carefully watched since failure to comply renders the member liable to heavy penalties .
23 ‘ I do n't care ! ’ she snapped , too far gone in temper now to care about the consequences .
24 ‘ But it just goes to show , ’ Ruth said , ‘ that they were right when they said emigrants should n't wait to leave until they were too far gone in poverty , but should go while they still have enough to provision themselves . ’
25 But Scarlet was too far gone in disenchantment to look for a bright side .
26 So it 's got to be something you can relate to , and once the model gets too far removed from reality , he 'll switch off .
27 ‘ Her doc , if he 's not too far sunk in slumber or wine . ’
28 Linear notes are too often made by history students for the wrong reasons :
29 Tonight as the family of Mark Windram come to terms with his death police officers have again warned those who steal cars that their actions all too often end in tragedy .
30 These doubts , hard to pin down , because reason easily disposed of them all , crystallised around the fact that Comrade Andrew too often smelled of drink ; she could not bring herself to criticise him for his partiality to the goose-girl , because she had learned so long ago and so thoroughly simply to switch off in this area .
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