Example sentences of "too [adj] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He added , cynically , that if Labour came in ‘ it would be too weak to do much harm , but not too weak to get discredited ’ .
2 He was now under continuous oxygen and too weak to take solid foods , but he would sit by the fire in his wheelchair for two hours each day while his wife read , or played music , to him .
3 Of the latter group both the United Provinces throughout the century and Sweden during the period of weak and limited monarchy from 1718 to 1772 were examples ; while the destruction of Poland was the supreme warning of the fate in store for any State whose rulers were too weak to repress internal dissension or ward off the attacks of external enemies .
4 Thus , whatever the layman might mean by the term ‘ competition ’ , the equilibrium theorist came to use it to connote a market in which each participant is too weak to effect any change in price .
5 Fast albedo feedbacks are too weak to change global temperature significantly without global mean radiative forcing .
6 Thus the overnight talks produced a woolly draft which Leonid Abalkin , the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic reform , attacked as ‘ too weak to have any effect ’ .
7 You 'll need to lie in or you 'll be too exhausted to have any fun . ’
8 Consequently , they tend to become shy , embarrassed or jokey about it and are often too timid to report abnormal symptoms to their doctor . ’
9 In each of these examples , however , the nuance is too fugitive to provide uncontroversial basis for discussion .
10 This school is too awful to deserve passive acceptance .
11 People in poor countries lose touch with their own ways of meeting their needs — and may be too polite to tell foreign volunteers that they are compounding the problem .
12 The results of this meta-analysis confirm the 1987 World Health Organisation recommendation to give vitamin A to children with measles in countries where vitamin A deficiency is a recognised problem — a statement released when only the results of Barclay et al 's study , which were not statistically significant , and of that by Ellison , which was non-randomised , were available , but the sum of current evidence is now too strong to justify further trials in hospitalised measles patients in developing countries .
13 The sum of evidence is now too strong to justify further placebo controlled trials in communities with vitamin A deficiency .
14 Transfer of micro-organisms from a surface at this stage is unlikely to be harmful as the numbers involved are too low to cause immediate infection and there is no time for multiplication on food .
15 The report was welcomed by the authorities at the Dounreay nuclear plant in Caithness , who said it was consistent with their view that radioactive emissions were far too low to cause any problems .
16 For this reason , also the obtained coefficients may be too low to reach statistical significance in the sample used , and therefore may fail to provide evidence of the test 's validity .
17 It is possible that the relative lack of efficacy of fluticasone propionate compared with a standard regimen of prednisolone is because the dose chosen was too low to produce therapeutic concentrations in the colon .
18 When the molar mass is too low to produce sufficient entanglement , the material will flow more readily and behave like a viscous liquid .
19 The concentration seems to be too low to influence gastric acid secretion .
20 Take-up is lower among medium-sized companies ‘ perhaps because they feel their profile is too low to attract many claims or that their shareholding is so tightly controlled they wo n't come up against too many disgruntled shareholders who are the main source of claim in this country . ’
21 Visually , the change was too subtle to attract much notice .
22 The notion of balance , for example , was too narrow to explore divergent opinions and subtleties : it necessarily divided and exaggerated differences for the sake of political television .
23 And we 're too lazy to do any gardening .
24 The Landrat of Ebermannstadt in Upper Franconia , frank as usual in his comment , reported that people in his area Were too careful to say such things as ‘ Hitler will give us no peace till everything has had it ’ , but said instead ‘ there wo n't be any peace before … ’ , and meant the same thing .
25 ‘ Far too old to remember that sort of nonsense .
26 An added problem in this case was that she was too old to give unsworn testimony .
27 I 'm far too old to keep this sort of pace going .
28 Another common stereotype about older people is that they are too old to learn new skills .
29 ‘ I thought I was too old to run this year and I did n't train for it , ’ he said .
30 Luckily too old to know any better : the amazing Cramps THE CRAMPS : Off The Bone THE ULTIMATE collection of gassed-out , greased-up garage rock from the top gorehounds when they were at the peak of their creativity .
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