Example sentences of "too [adj] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For the moment the democrats in Russia are far too weak to take power on their own .
2 By the 1740s the Moghul central government had grown too weak to impose peace on Europeans , in the 1750s the British and the French took an important role in struggles among Indians , and by 1763 the British had made themselves rulers of one of the most important regions of India , though they had not yet worked out a legal form to express the new reality in India .
3 In the previous two sections I have attempted to outline ways in which the evidence for God 's existence may either be too strong or too weak to make sense of religious belief My conclusions , however , connect up with the discussion of ‘ meaning ’ and ‘ no meaning ’ forms of theism and atheism in the first chapter .
4 This was surely an argument for getting involved in Boiotia , because it was too weak to resist effectively , rather than an argument for leaving Boiotia alone , because it was too weak to make trouble for Athens .
5 ‘ The girl must be busy ’ , ‘ the maintenance course she had been on was probably gruelling ’ , or ‘ she was still too upset to put pen to paper ’ .
6 Too frail to give evidence in court , she described the attack in a statement .
7 Mrs Fribbens , who was said to be too frail to give evidence in the original court case , died last weekend , from an unrelated cause .
8 They can be used by people too shy to ask questions of the library staff .
9 I did n't really know them — I 'd been too shy to make friends with them , although I was interested in their work — but it was the only place I could think of .
10 I thought it the gesture of someone who has noticed a fellow human being about to step in something horrible but who is too polite to draw attention to the fact by seeming sorry for her .
11 He was too depressed to start work on the grave again .
12 This condition has been widely noted to have a distinct , seasonality of occurrence , appearing in greatest incidence in temperate areas during the warm summer months , and almost disappearing when the temperatures of autumn , winter and spring are too low to allow development of eggs to the infective stage .
13 Sgt Hayter 's problems were only half over as the height of the museum building was too low to allow assembly inside the building , so R5868 had to be assembled outside .
14 One walked ahead with the lantern , since the stairs were too narrow to give passage to two at once .
15 Gina of course would be far too old to need things like that .
16 It did not only transform the political and military map : by the destruction which it wrought , unparalleled in previous human history in its scale , it hurled a black question mark against the confidence in the onward and upward progress of Christian civilisation which had so strongly characterised Liberal Theology , and forced the bitter question whether the advanced theological thought of the nineteenth century as a whole had not been far too unaware of the darker side of human nature , too optimistic about innate human capacity for good , too willing to take contemporary culture at its own high evaluation of itself , and overall too disposed to take God for granted , and to assume that he was somehow simply ‘ given ’ in what it regarded as the highest ethical , spiritual and religious values of mankind .
17 Some say this is in fact useful because it keeps people busy at a time when , as we have seen , it is probably too painful to have time on your hands to sit and reflect .
18 Other writers have complained , particularly in discrimination cases , that conciliation officers are too willing to encourage settlement at any price and fail to provide the support an unrepresented applicant may need against the relatively advantaged position of the employer ( Gregory , 1987 ) .
19 He was far too honourable to approach Asquith with a deal which could only mean the compromise of both their principles for a period of artificial power , not unlike the last years of the Coalition ; and he saw that an anti-socialist alliance could only lead , in the end , to a major Labour victory .
20 This project continues , so it is too early to draw conclusions on the styles and strategies .
21 Dr Granville wrote : ‘ July is much too early to see Harrogate to advantage .
22 The only pity is that they both appeared just too early to take account of the revised Schmieder catalogue , and also of the political events of 1989 .
23 It is perhaps too early to make judgements about the meaningfulness of this sequence of events .
24 A Foreign Office spokesman said it was too early to consider sanctions against North Korea but added that Britain would consider what steps to take with other signatory states .
25 It would , however , be too simple to portray antislavery after the late 1830s as purely a scene of contending sects more concerned with maintaining their own kinds of purity than achieving anything practical .
26 It 's often too dangerous to have tantrums at school .
27 With a long-term partner it is sometimes too easy to take things for granted .
28 Granted that it had turned out to be only too easy to make experiments in which training an animal on some task results in large biochemical and cellular changes in its brain , I felt that it was necessary to establish guidelines to help judge whether any particular change indeed has these characteristics of necessity , sufficiency and specificity .
29 It is too easy to accuse Eurocentrism of all the ills of the world .
30 It was too easy to gain access to a Company 's computer records when everyone used the same communications web .
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