Example sentences of "too [adj] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it was seen as too generous at a time when those parties had become more extreme .
2 I do n't think Zbigniew 's marriage to Tatyana was going too swell at the time .
3 A blustery wind made control very difficult and for too much of the time the ball was high in the air .
4 Meanwhile Bleek 's relationships involve a large number of bedroom scenes which for too much of the time seem to present the women as carnal accessories passively accepting his attentions .
5 It would seem that erm i it was n't in the interests of one 's ultimate reproductive success to be too easily satisfied too much of the time because remember , it 's a question of relative reproductive success an and the individual that gets that little extra is is effectively gon na be , gon na be the one selected , so yes I would think that erm it 's probably naive to think that natural selection would , would make you feel er satisfied and content all the time it would probably induce erm a state of mild chronic discontent which is I think what most people actually experience in life
6 We 're there for the Na-Nazi riots — but for too much of the time we 're not .
7 There were still things she wanted to go through , if she was not too tired by the time she got home .
8 It is evident , however , that much care has to be taken not to have too quick alterations nor too many at a time .
9 I thought we 'd be too bollocksed by the time we get up there anyway .
10 It 'll be too late by the time I make them understand .
11 Alisa Morrant realised that she had to target new mothers — it would be too late by the time the children attended the dentist for fillings .
12 It was too late by the time they wondered about him coming up again . ’
13 You know I always we shall be too late by the time we get out
14 People were presumably far too busy at the time , and the principal workers have now died .
15 Initially Terry Nation declined to work on Doctor Who when the invitation came through , being far too busy at the time writing for Tony Hancock on tour in Nottingham .
16 He 'd asked her to wait for him , and although she 'd been too angry at the time to say that she would , she had nevertheless avoided marriage to anyone else despite the many proposals she 'd had .
17 Even in private conversation he would explain how his client could not possibly have broken into the house in the way of which he was accused , because he was far too drunk at the time , and so on .
18 The complicated problems surrounding the temperature management of prepared food for volume consumption are all too apparent by the time you get your meal on the plate and are able to eat it in comfort .
19 With my guitar , I was trying to sound like Lightning Hopkins and John Lee Hooker and people like this , and we just thought … ‘ this sounds OK ’ , and it did n't sound too bad at the time .
20 ‘ I thought them not too bad at the time .
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