Example sentences of "does not [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The Chancellor has evidently made it clear to Moscow that West Germany respects East Germany 's existence as a separate state , that it does not want to alter the present military set-up of Nato and the Warsaw Pact , and that although it aims to overcome the division of Europe , this does not also apply to the political division of Germany — at least for the foreseeable future .
2 It is true that the section does not expressly refer to proceedings by way of injunction as such ; but , as I have previously said , the breadth of the section is such as to embrace injunction proceedings , brought under the power subsequently conferred by section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 , when such proceedings are necessary .
3 Thus if the clause does not expressly refer to negligence , the clause may still exclude liability for negligence provided that ( 1 ) the wording is capable of covering negligence and ( 2 ) there is no other head of liability to which the clause could apply .
4 The second is a more subjective , less institutionalized and therefore much vaguer classification which does not normally apply to a whole text but rather to parts of it .
5 Copyright comes into force immediately on completion or publication of the work and does not normally have to be recorded or registered .
6 Too little has been spent on maintaining the system in the past and the industry , faced with signs of accelerating failure rates , does not yet appear to be doing enough to contain the rate of decay .
7 Indeed , one of the attractions of Madeira is that it does not outwardly appear to be specifically geared to tourism .
8 It does not just refer to ‘ sharp business practices ’ and people making slightly greater profits than they should .
9 The one-flesh nature of the relationship does not just refer to the sexuality of marriage ; although sexuality in marriage is both an expression and symbol of that oneness .
10 Here , however , the clause does not just apply to one disposition , but confirms all the dispositions in the will .
11 In addition , an increase in production , or even in investment , does not automatically lead to an increase in jobs — the norm is usually the exact opposite , and shedding labour is a prerequisite for a firm 's expansion .
12 The exemption under para 8(a) does not automatically extend to ‘ small groups ’ .
13 The scheme of the 1954 Act is that if the lease is more than six months ( which is presumably the situation in your case ) and the premises are occupied for the purposes of your business , then the lease does not automatically come to an end .
14 Raising fresh capital from the partners depends on agreement as and when the need arises ( unless some medium or long term plan has been settled in advance ) and the matter does not strictly need to be addressed in the agreement .
15 Outcrossing promotes diversity suited to high biotic uncertainty and does not invariably lead to specialization of species but , on the contrary , may lead to greater generalization of a species and therefore similarity between species of a tree ‘ guild ’ .
16 ( 2 ) A partner who retires from a firm does not thereby cease to be liable for partnership debts or obligations incurred before his retirement .
17 The ‘ poor ’ in Scripture does not simply refer to those living at or beneath subsistence level — it ‘ can be extended to cover all the oppressed , all those who are dependent upon the mercy of others .
18 By ‘ deconstructionist ’ Brooke-Rose does not simply refer to the fact that her novel ‘ deconstructs ’ itself .
19 From the premises a > b and b> c , it does not simply happen to be the case that a> c .
20 A further important point for many couples is that independent taxation does not simply apply to income tax but applies equally to both capital gains tax and inheritance tax .
21 As we mentioned earlier , once a logogen reaches threshold , its activation level does not immediately return to its normal resting level ; it decays over a period of a second or so .
22 However , this does not generally apply to larger farms , and it is paradoxical that some of the lowest earnings are in East Anglia , where the largest and probably most profitable farms are located .
23 For the soul does not easily yield to those who will steal it for the purposes of evil …
24 Goldmann 's reflexivity does not however lead to a ‘ total conception of ideology ’ ; he , like all the early Marxist theorists of ideology , does not reflect critically on the ‘ science ’ or Marxism .
25 The overriding criterion — that the service of a summons is impracticable or inappropriate — does not even have to be based on objective grounds ; it is enough that it should appear to be so to the constable making the arrest .
26 The conduct does not even have to be illegal .
27 It does not even occur to the reader that the baby might have cried one year in Singapore and be picked up by its mother a year later in Aden .
28 Tom Arnold himself is appointed , not elected and , although he reports to a committee ‘ representing ’ the voluntary party , he is not accountable to that committee , nor is that committee elected by the constituency associations on whose behalf it is supposed to act ( it does not even report to them ) .
29 It is important to emphasize that ‘ creative accounting ’ does not properly refer to ‘ illegal accounting ’ : there is or was no support for illegal accounting .
30 The use of tranquillizers of either the major ( e.g. phenothiazines ) or minor groups ( e.g. benzodiazepines ) does not usually appear to be helpful .
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