Example sentences of "does not [verb] to me " in BNC.

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1 My body as it is for me does not appear to me in the midst of the world . ’
2 ‘ it does not appear to me that there is any ground for contending that the bank appointed Mr. Colin Perry , in any capacity , to procure the signature of Mrs. Perry .
3 But even if Sheridan 's case was rightly decided and a ‘ conviction ’ in the narrower sense will support a plea of autrefois convict , that does not appear to me to lead to the conclusion that a ‘ conviction ’ in the narrower sense must end the power of the court to allow a plea to be changed .
4 It does not appear to me that any sensible distinction can be made in this context between consent and authorisation .
5 Undoubtedly , as a general rule , the seller wants to get the highest price for his property , and the purchaser wishes to give the lowest , and in that sense it may be said that an expected difference between the parties is to be implied in every case , but unless a difference has actually arisen , it does not appear to me to be an " arbitration " .
6 Undoubtedly , if two persons enter into an arrangement for the sale of any particular property , and try to settle the terms , but can not agree , and after dispute and discussion respecting the price , they say , " We will refer this question of price to AB , he shall settle it " , and thereupon they agree that the matter shall be referred to his arbitration , that would appear to be an " arbitration " , in the proper sense of the term … ; but if they agree to a price to be fixed by another , that does not appear to me to be an arbitration .
7 ‘ It does not appear to me , however , that it has been established that there was sufficient use of the track by cars in the early 1930s to provide the foundation of a claim for a public right of way for vehicles . ’
8 ‘ The position does not matter to me so long as I am playing .
9 All that can be said for certain is that I respond to all of it — vixen , trees , plants , birds , the lot — but it does not respond to me . ’
10 ‘ I 'm here strictly for business and being dissected does not appeal to me at all .
11 That prospect does not appeal to me .
12 ‘ Perhaps , but while getting soaked to the skin may put a kick into your day it does not appeal to me . ’
13 I can hardly ride a horse and the call of arms does not appeal to me . ’
14 I can not stand it any longer , if someone does not come to me I will give up and be miserable for ever and perhaps go home of my own accord , write or wire to Uncle C. and say you are coming at once pleas darling , and come on Saturday or I will give up altogether and always wretched .
15 It does not seem to me that a reader principally interested in capitalism , or imperialism , or the theories of such Marxist writers as Althusser or Gramsci would turn to a book such as this , and so I have kept discussion of these topics to a minimum .
16 What it does not seem to me to offer , and what seems crucial for the intensely generic regime which television operates , is the beginning of a theory of genre specific to television which addresses not only the systems , but the forms of subjectivity which these systems imply .
17 It does not seem to me to address the problem to say that if the producers produce the programmes the audience will supply the criticism .
18 ‘ Mrs Taylor does not seem to me to be very like Mrs Woolf or Miss Compton-Burnett or Miss Bowen , ’ I had written , for some reviewers thought her too heavily indebted to them .
19 This does not seem to me a very sensible strategy , because on the face of it these ideas would appear to be of potential relevance to pedagogic practice .
20 Incidentally , the sound of the Steinway piano that they use does not seem to me inappropriate , and the Berlin recording is well focused with natural resonance and a good dynamic range including a real pianissimo .
21 There does not seem to me to be anything in the policy of the new Act which suggests that in this provision Parliament was intending to give those words a different meaning from those which they had been held to bear under the Act of 1914 .
22 ( 2 ) Since the cases before the court are concerned with the taking up of fishing activities by nationals of a member state and the pursuit of those activities in another member state using a vessel registered in that state , article 59 of the E.E.C Treaty on freedom to provide services , which was raised by the Spanish Government , does not seem to me to be applicable .
23 Fourthly , the appellants were never auditors of B. & C. That does not seem to me in any sense to be conclusive since the inquiry is into the affairs of Atlantic of which the appellants were auditors and as to representations made about it before acquisition .
24 It does not seem to me that this can involve any impeachment , or questioning of the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament , accordingly I do not see how such a use of Hansard can possibly be thought to infringe article 9 of the Bill of Rights and I agree with my noble and learned friend 's more detailed consideration of that matter .
25 The question of the origin of the designer or designers is much canvassed but does not seem to me , in the present state of our knowledge , susceptible of even provisional or doubtful answers .
26 In a case involving a brutal sexual assault by a guardsman , Slynn J. stated : ‘ It does not seem to me that the appellant is a criminal in the sense in which that word is used frequently in these courts .
27 Cato 1.4 ) Professor E. Badian does not seem to me to have invalidated ( Ennius , Fondation Hardt Entretiens XVII ( 1972 ) , 155–6 ) .
28 It is , of course , true that some wrappers might come from the chocolate which had already been bought or from chocolate which would have been bought without the offer , but that does not seem to me to alter the case .
29 But it seems to me that the wife might thereafter have offered to return and might have ceased to be in desertion , and that clause 2 would at that stage and in that event have been in operation : therefore it does not seem to me that it can be said that clause 2 was not of value to the husband .
30 It does not seem to me necessary or desirable to adhere exclusively to one or other of these theoretical positions .
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