Example sentences of "does not [verb] to any " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 The report in the Scottish Law Times does not refer to any evidence to support the view that the maintenance of contact between a child and a birth relative to whom he or she has attachments would cause harm to the child 's developing personality .
2 It will be recalled first that the theory-of-finance specification of how to maximize shareholders ' wealth does not refer to any need for corporate diversification .
3 British primary legislation , on the other hand , seldom contains anything more than a long title by way of a preamble , and does not refer to any preparatory works .
4 It is important to remember that ‘ democratic deficit ’ does not refer to any notion that the Commission is too powerful , but rather to the idea that too many decisions are taken by the ‘ unelected ’ Council of Ministers , and that further powers should be transferred from this body and from national parliaments to the European Parliament at Strasbourg .
5 It is important to note that third Person is quite unlike first or second person , in that it does not COrrespond to any specific participant-role in the speech event ( Lyons , 1977a : 638 ) .
6 However , this does not lead to any new results that are of physical significance .
7 However , assuming that it is and that Winchester became for the purposes of the Act of 1986 a member of Lautro , then the assumption does not lead to any relevant conclusion .
8 The reason that this does not lead to any discrepancy with observation is that all the gravitational fields that we normally experience are very weak .
9 The church would be regarded as a charity , and whereas charities are granted exemption from income tax and CGT under the provisions of s 505 Taxes Act 1988 , it does not extend to any profits the charity earns as a result of its undertaking any activities that may be considered ‘ an adventure in the nature of a trade ’ .
10 It does not extend to any computer program used in the making or operation of the database , though the distinction between program and system for obtaining or presenting information will be difficult to draw , particularly in the context of fourth-generation language databases .
11 ( 2C ) The term implied by subsection ( 2 ) above does not extend to any matter making the quality of goods unsatisfactory ( a ) which is specifically drawn to the buyer 's attention before the contract is made , ( b ) where the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made , which that examination ought to reveal , or ( c ) in the case of a contract for sale by sample , which would have been apparent on a reasonable examination of the sample .
12 Thus , the writer does not adhere to any particular school of economics and law , neither does he claim that the use of economics is the only , or even the best , way of analyzing the issue under study .
13 The precise exclusions broadly follow the categories of private company which are within the ambit of the Code , thereby ensuring that art 4 does not overlap to any significant extent with the Code .
14 … Oakeshott 's conservatism does not appeal to any sort of metaphysical or religious beliefs for sanction or support ; nor does it hark back to a more integrated and traditional form of society .
15 This island does not belong to any one , two or three groups of people , even if they can trace ancestors back two or three centuries .
16 Second , the outcome of the game does not correspond to any ideal of distributive justice .
17 Name given to a sudden change in the intensity or tone of a particular colour which does not correspond to any similar change in design .
18 The distinction between the two written forms does not correspond to any distinction in their spoken form .
19 This limitation does not apply to any transaction for the Firm 's own account or for the accounts of an Associate provided that such transactions :
20 FSA does not apply to any transaction between a principal and another person if they are bodies corporate within the same group or the transaction is in connection with a joint enterprise in which they are , or propose to become , participators .
21 149 ( 3 ) A term , at a rent or granted in consideration of a fine , limited after the commencement of this Act to take effect more than twenty-one years from the date of the instrument purporting to create it , shall be void , and any contract made after such commencement to create such a term shall likewise be void ; but this subsection does not apply to any term taking effect in equity under a settlement , or created out of an equitable interest under a settlement , or under an equitable power for mortgage , indemnity or other like purposes .
22 Note that s4(1) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 does not apply to any proceedings brought under the Children Act 1989 ( Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 , s7(2) ( cc ) ) .
23 A raw Landsat TM or MSS image does not conform to any standard map projection .
24 He does n't correspond to any of the multiple fictions produced over the last hundred years or so by a long line of social reformers and slum missionaries of what the working class should be .
25 And hope it does n't come to any more than that , otherwise I shall will be in your debt .
26 share of resources , if it does n't apply to any others .
27 So lest any misunderstandings arrive that this is some thin end of some wedge , I should also add that the restriction we 're proposing only applies to national committees , does n't apply to any other office anywhere in the union and to reinforce that point the C E C will be recommending support for a general motion underlining the rights of people who are unemployed or retired to hold office throughout the G M B.
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