Example sentences of "does not [verb] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The article was terminated by a line of words beginning with B. The empty reproduction of information ( a contagion of the Eighties ) does not contribute to rational knowledge and reasoned thought .
2 The evidence of such a writer does not relate to educated StE ’ ( 1968 II : 551 ) .
3 Depositors ' funds are placed with HM Treasury , authorised banks , local authorities and building societies in Great Britain ; Tyndall does not lend to other customers .
4 Although it only appears in the sources c.1200 this may not be significant , for the chronicler does not refer to Eadric as Streona or to Edmund as Ironside , but there is eleventh-century evidence for both names .
5 It does not refer to naive anthropomorphism , to childish notions of a kind of finite Person resident somewhere .
6 The nomenclature of science does not refer to definitive concepts :
7 This is not a question of instinct — culture is learned , not inbred , and does not refer to basic human needs .
8 Because such minerals are normally present at levels far below safety limits , this usually does not matter to public health .
9 The contention that the separation of ownership and control does not lead to serious inefficiency , on the ground that market forces cause management self-interest and shareholder welfare to coincide , has already been mentioned .
10 We must also ensure that the escalation of costs does not lead to elderly people having to move from a single-bedded room to shared accommodation , which would be a lowering of standards in their residential home — and it is their home .
11 PR does not lead to effective government and I do not support it .
12 But there is strong support for sensible increases in public spending , provided this does not lead to massive hikes in taxation .
13 Now , this happens in nearly all er cases o of tuberculosis but , interesting , the vast majority of infections microbacterium tuberculosis are asymptomatic and the reason for that is that after a period of growth and dissemination does not lead to clinical symptoms , cell mediated immunity , C M I , comes into comes into play and you end up with a balance between the macrophages , and fi and M T B , where there 's a constant turnover of macrophages dying , and M T B winning out .
14 Interestingly , the titular allure does not extend to endowed curatorships , at least not in Cincinnati .
15 Copyright protection , however , does not extend to ephemeral things such as skeletal plots for novels or ideas for computer programs unless and until they are recorded in some form or another and , even then , it is the ideas as expressed which are protected , not the underlying concepts .
16 This discretionary power does not extend to non-litigation costs .
17 The Court of Appeal required the council to give such an undertaking , as a condition of the grant of an injunction , first because , as Dillon and Mann L.JJ. held , in English law the discretion to dispense with such an undertaking in cases where an injunction is sought to restrain an infringement of the criminal law is available only to give effect to a privilege of the Crown alone and does not extend to local authorities exercising the function of law enforcement ; and second because under Community law an undertaking must be given were necessary to protect any Community law right of direct effect which might possibly be affected .
18 Equality does not extend to natural slaves or to those who are rated as infantile because of their seemingly intrinsic intellectual limitations .
19 ( No. 2 ) it is possible ( though by no means certain ) that threat of a breach of a penal statute does not amount to unlawful means for the purposes of intimidation unless the statute itself gives rise to a civil remedy .
20 Simply paying the insurance premium each year without enquiring what cover is currently advantageous does not amount to good business .
21 Thus in an ordinary broking transaction disclosure on the contract note in accordance with SFA Table 5 — 34(2) , para 11 , will be sufficient ( provided that the customer does not object to late disclosure ) .
22 It does not respond to other forms of mental or emotional treatment such as analytical psychotherapy , behaviour therapy or general psychiatric group therapy , although any of these may possibly be helpful in dealing with other issues once the primarily disease is in recovery through the Anonymous Fellowships .
23 On funding — ‘ a subject of peculiar fascination for many City commentators ’ — the Chancellor said : ‘ The Government 's full fund policy ensures that its borrowing does not add to inflationary pressures .
24 Whilst the boundaries of consent are not clearly defined , it is recognised that a woman does not consent to sexual intercourse where a man uses violence to force her .
25 One explanation is that a one-person one-vote democratic mechanism does not correspond to equal political weight .
26 In autonomous state accounts decision-making by the governing elites does not correspond to synoptic rational policy-making ; nor is policy-making easy , uncontentious or capable of being easily resolved in a conglomerate of rival organizations .
27 Problems may occur when the sequence of learning in the school does not correspond to clinical practice .
28 More generally , the link between the last three sections of this book is Tolkien 's perception , from Pearl and from poems like it , that poetry does not reduce to plain sense ( so far most critics would agree with him ) , but furthermore that this is because words have over the centuries acquired meanings not easily traced in dictionaries , available however to many native speakers , and ( this is where many critics part company ) at times breaking through the immediate intentions of even poetic users .
29 This condition does not apply to personal accident benefits , as described on page 9 , which we will pay in full .
30 This condition does not apply to personal accident benefits , as described on page 9 , which we will pay in full .
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