Example sentences of "does [not/n't] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 In this case , Lord Denning distinguished Bartlett v Sidney Marcus ( 1965 ) by explaining that if a car does not go for a reasonable time and the engine breaks up , this is evidence to show that the car was not fit for its purpose when sold .
2 Nevertheless , he emphasised that ‘ a mere analysis of economic conditions does not suffice for an adequate understanding of the ups-and-downs of unionism ’ ( p. 627 ) .
3 This implication does not hold for a normative-explanatory account .
4 Marion does not qualify for a maintenance grant because her parents are well off , but they are also estranged , from each other and from her , so she is obliged to support herself at University with a variety of part-time jobs .
5 The procedure does not wait for an offline module to be transferred , however a value is returned in MODULES_ON_LINE to indicate that the module is offline awaiting transfer .
6 What is really problematic is that psychoanalysis produces a theory of identity [ i.e. sexual difference ] which does not allow for a genuine heterogeneity and contradiction in our diverse identifications .
7 The latter , while providing a crucial guide for the understanding of the way terms are used in different contexts , does not allow for a simple explanation based on substitutivity .
8 We think , on principle , that an action does not lie for a compensation to a witness for loss of time in attendance under a subpoena .
9 It does not come for a couple of times .
10 Hence those who take a floating charge from a company which can not be proved to be solvent , and which does not survive for a further year , can not thereby obtain protection in respect to their existing debts , but only to the extent that they provide the company with new value and thus increase the assets available for other creditors .
11 And , therefore , the argument is of people whose backs are pinned to the wall before they 're questioned as it were , and that does n't make for a sober and calm discussion , especially as there is some doubt , I suspect , in the mind of ministers , but certainly in the mind of many people in the Conservative Party , about whether these great absolutes , this wall against which ministers and departments are nailed , really need exist in quite the form it 's being constructed or whether the whole issue could n't be handled in a rather more sensitive and relaxed way .
12 It certainly does n't make for an ideal working relationship , does it ? ’
13 If they use the noise machine , if he does n't sleep for a week , if it 's the rubber truncheons , if it 's the electrodes , if it 's a pardon in return for goodies … well , you do n't tell two old people that .
14 Of course , it does n't matter for a man about being fat .
15 Honesty does n't pay for a bride
16 So when he sees Rose staring at him with her dark , serious eyes among the crowds on the staircases in the interval ( this is at a concert ) he does n't hesitate for a moment , but goes straight up to her .
17 The roof does n't leak for a start .
18 ‘ His name and face would n't have been familiar to the majority of Irish League fans and he still does n't look for a high media profile .
19 ‘ His name and face would n't have been familiar to the majority of Irish League fans and he still does n't look for a high media profile .
20 If he or she does n't act for a number of successful bands , he or she is unlikely to have a thorough understanding of accounting in the music business .
21 If , for any reason , South African Richard Snell decides to go back to his studies or does n't ask for a renewed contract with Somerset , they could also be eyeing Aqib .
22 The Commission filing indicates that Michels , whose Santa Cruz shares would be worth around $51.1m with the offering , is receiving $16,667 a month in salary until June 1994 , a total of $300,000 , provided he does n't work for a competitor or try to get back on Santa Cruz 's board , and $3,000 a month for expenses .
23 The SEC filing indicates Michels , whose SCO shares would be worth around $51.1m with the offering , is receiving $16,667 a month in salary until June 1994 , a total of $300,000 , provided he does n't work for a competitor or try to get back on SCO 's board and $3,000 a month for expenses .
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